• 为了交代一下学识方法把《大著作中的某些部分概述于下。

    To give an idea of his scope and method, I will summarize some parts of the Opus Majus.


  • 首先推荐的是亚当·斯密道德情操论》?附带的说一下,这本书也是今年年初我们采访卡尔罗孚推荐的著作之一

    You've started off with Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (which, incidentally, was also one of Karl Rove's top five, when he did an interview with us earlier this year).


  • 亏了这位学者,我们才有机会欣赏五儒学经典著作之一的《尚书》。

    Thanks to this scholar, we have the chance to enjoy the great book, Shangshu, one of the "five classics" of confucianism.


  • Ergenekon检察官Zekeriya Oz,两不是由于他们著作被捕而是因为其他活动”,暂时“无法透露”具体细节。

    Zekeriya Oz, the chief Ergenekon prosecutor, said the pair were arrested not because of their writings but because ofother activities” that he was, for the time being, “unable to reveal”.


  • 有些误解了一些警句著作比如:“思考就能致富”,或者《思想神奇》,等等

    Some of us have misunderstood the great classics like "Think and Grow Rich," and the "the Magic of Thinking Big," etc.


  • 亚当斯著作发表于1931年,萧条时代早期,却充分预言我们如今的时代

    Adams's words, published in 1931, early in the Great Depression, sound prophetic for our own times.


  • 目前所知最早的《新约》篇目编排出自367年纳西著作

    The earliest known list of the current New Testament canon dates from AD 367 in a work by St. Athanasius.


  • 这部经典著作描述的19世纪中后期一个女孩生活森林中的故事。

    This classic is about a little girl living in the big woods of Wisconsin in the mid to late 1800s.


  • 已故克里斯托弗•道(ChristopherDow)1998年发表著作衰退》(Major Recessions)详细说明了一点。

    This was demonstrated in some detail by the late Christopher Dow in his study, "Major Recessions", published in 1998.


  • 最近拜读StudsTerkel先生著作,“艰难时世口述萧条历史”,发现与它确实有所区别。

    I recently read "Hard Times: an Oral History of the Great Depression" by Studs Terkel and saw how little resemblance that downturn bears to you.


  • 于1974年出版的《释义(Constructions)》一部哲学评论系列著作,结果被看作奇想怪论,成为他的败笔。

    In 1974, he published "Constructions", a collection of philosophical observations which turned out to be whimsical and a flop.


  • 无论作者本人持什么意见这本一举成名著作对于那些有意仔细思忖人类状况的空虚孤独读者来说无疑是一挑战

    Whatever his opinions, there is no doubting the book that made him famous presents a challenge to readers who care to contemplate the emptiness and isolation of the human condition.


  • 正如查尔斯·达尔文著作人类动物情感表达》(1872)中指明的那样,一个骄傲看起来自我膨胀妄自尊”。

    As Charles Darwin noted in his book The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), a proud person looks "swollen or puffed up".


  • 这些鸟巢现在变得小汽车那么而且数量也越来越关于这些著作鹦鹉行为顾问马荑··安珊

    The nests can grow as big as a small car and include multiple compartments for large flocks, said Mattie Sue Athan, a parrot behavior consultant who has written several books on the birds.


  • 放养密度(尾数)近似情况下规格鱼种对增加池塘生产力资金增益

    In the case of the similar stocking density (mantissa), the large-sized fish played a distinct role in increasing capital gains rate of pond productivity.


  • 马里奥-普佐撰写了这部有史以来享誉最高黑帮题材的著作导演弗朗西斯-福特-科波拉又将他拍摄成了两部宛如莎士比亚悲剧般悲情苍凉、纠结复杂宣泄愤怒的作品。

    Mario Puzo wrote one of the great pulp gangster books of all time. Francis Ford Coppola made it into two movies as bleak, complex, and cathartic as a Shakespearean tragedy.


  • 福建古代名医为首苏颂,医药学重要贡献之一为:负责编写了《嘉祐本草》相辅相行的本草著作——《本草图经》。

    Su Song, the first man of four famous TCM Doctor in Ancient Fujian made significant contribution in medicine and pharmacology.


  • 统计分析表明优势科、优势属地区的植物区系组成中具有著作

    The statistical analysis of the large families and genera demonstrates that preponderant families and genera are prominent elements in the Mount Qomolangma Nature Conservation.


  • 著作律》制定实施过程既是移植法律的过程,也是创造传统的过程。

    The process of formulation and implementation of Copyright law of the Qing Dynasty is the process of law transplant and the creation of tradition.


  • 目前所知最早的《新约篇目编排出自367年圣亚纳西著作

    The earliest known list of the current New Testament Canon dates from AD 367 in a work by st.


  • 但是思想体系人们总会鄙视眼光看待,认为他的著作个“拼盘”,独创性感召力

    But to his ample ideological system, people may eventually use one kind of disdainful sight to treat think that his book is a "big made dish", both there be no originality and have no appeal.


  • 无论作者本人持什么意见这本一举成名的著作对于那些有意于仔细思忖人类状况空虚孤独的读者来说,无疑是一挑战

    Whatever his opinions, there is no doubting the book that made him famous presents a challenge to readers who care to contemplate11 the emptiness and isolation12 of the human condition.


  • 这类聚会“超级阶级重要组成部分”,同名著作作者罗斯科普夫(Rothkopf

    Such meetings are "an important part of the story of the superclass", says Mr Rothkopf, the author of the eponymous book.


  • 摘要:《叫魂——1768年中国妖术恐慌》一书著名美国汉学家孔飞力先生的著作

    Abstract:The book "soul stealers: the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768" was written by a well-known American Sinologist Philip A.


  • 艾伦这本著作名声原因在于书中提出了“环境不能造就只能表现一个一论点。

    Part of the fame of Allen's book is its contention that "Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him."


  • 艾伦这本著作名声原因在于书中提出了“环境不能造就只能表现一个一论点。

    Part of the fame of Allen's book is its contention that "Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him."


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