• 第三主要大规模定制生产下的延迟制造进行探讨。

    In chapter 3, 1 mainly described the postponed manufacturing of mass customization.


  • 研究了面向产品生命周期网络化大规模定制生产模式

    Networked mass customization production pattern based on product life-cycle is presented.


  • 自从大规模定制生产出现以来,经济优势成为人们追逐目标

    Ever since the appearance of the mass customized production, its economical superiority has become peoples chasing target.


  • 精益生产敏捷制造结合使更大范围内实现大规模定制生产成为可能。

    It is possible to realize mass - customization in bigger scope if lean production is combined with agile manufacture.


  • 这样竞争环境下追求成本快速响应客户需求大规模定制生产方式广泛应用。

    In this competitive environment, the pursuit for low cost and rapid response to customer demand in mass customization production methods is widely used.


  • 其次通过流程标准化流程延迟执行流程重组再造可以实现大规模定制生产流程优化

    Secondly, the thesis optimizes the process by standardizing, delaying and reengineering to make it more adapted to MC.


  • 研究表明绿色制造采用大规模定制生产方式可以使企业经济效益社会效益得到协调优化

    The study shows that by adopting the production mode of mass customization in green manufacturing, the enterprises can coordinate and optimize their economic and social profits.


  • 国外汽车工业通过汽车零部件通用化设计、汽车零部件联合开发联合采购等策略推行大规模定制生产

    Foreign automotive industry carries out the large scale and custom order production mode by the ways of commonalization design, jointly developing and jointly purchasing for automotive parts.


  • 基于模块化设计产品配置大规模定制生产方式核心技术之一,模块划分则实现有效产品配置的关键。

    Product configuration method based on modular design is a critical technology for mass customization, and the module division is the key to achieve the effective product configuration.


  • 本文旨在通过大规模定制生产产品及其报价特点研究,提出大规模定制产品成本估算方法报价决策模型

    The thesis is to present a cost estimation method and pricing model through the study on the characteristics of mass customized product and its pricing.


  • 通过大规模生产模式大规模定制生产模式分析对比,提出面向大规模定制的产品快速设计系统开发和实施策略

    Through the analysis of manufacturing mode of Mass Production and Mass Customization, a strategy of rapid design system facing Mass Customization is pointed out.


  • 大规模定制生产企业提高竞争力提供新的途径同时也对企业传统运作方式特别是物流管理提出了新的问题挑战。

    MC has offered the new way for improving the competitiveness in enterprises, but it put forward new question and challenge to the operation way traditional especially logistics management.


  • 全球经济一体化环境下,产生一些先进的设计制造技术,快速设计与制造、大规模定制生产及可适应性设计与制造等。

    Then, using SHU Rapid Manufacture Center as the instance, the integrated rapid design and manufacture system based on CPC and MVPN is established.


  • 论文大型制鞋行业制造生产线为研究对象,结合面向大规模定制生产模式的特点和相关理论开发出相应生产线优化设计系统

    The research is aimed at the production lines plant in shoe industry. A design system for production lines optimization is developed, under the principle of MC.


  • 介绍绿色制造大规模定制不同点共同点,讨论大规模定制生产中的绿色性,提出了种面向绿色制造大规模定制一般生产模式

    The paper discusses the differences and similarities between green manufacturing and mass customization, the green issue in mass customization, and comes up with a general production mode.


  • 大规模定制运用一些大规模生产方法比如说大规模定制产品都是基于些小的标准集合,核心部件构成产品的。

    Mass customisation USES some of the techniques of mass production; for example, its output is based on a small number of platforms, core components that underlie the product.


  • 而言之,所有产品鞋子眼镜到厨具大规模生产位于大规模定制

    Mass production could, in short, give way to mass customisation for all kinds of products, from shoes to spectacles to kitchenware.


  • 尤其是信息与通讯技术商业中的运用除了降低成本外,提高了生产激发了顾客更多参与性增加了大规模定制

    Specifically, the use of ICT in business has enhanced productivity, encouraged greater customer participation, and enabled mass customization, besides reducing costs.


  • 大规模定制结合规模生产特别定制产物。

    Mass customisation is a production process that combines elements of mass production with those of bespoke tailoring.


  • 根据大规模客户定制生产方式本文提出了客户协同设计(CCD)的概念

    In this article, a conception named customer collaborative design (CCD) is presented according to mass customization mode.


  • 大规模定制生产方式下,为了满足客户多样化需求基于通用产品平台的产品设计一种行之有效的产品设计方法

    Under the mass customization manufacturing, in order to meet the diverse needs of customers, based on the universal product platform product family design is an effective method of product design.


  • 但是定制通常成本联系在一起,与大规模生产成本相比不能形成太大的优势

    However, customization is always linked to high cost, which has not advantage compared with the low cost of Mass Production.


  • 面向大规模定制敏捷生产正是解决这个两难问题有效方法

    It is exactly that agile production Oriented mass customization is the effective method to solve this dilemmatic problem.


  • 大规模定制21世纪新的生产方式,正在引起理论界企业界广泛关注。

    Deemed to the new mode of production in 21st century, the Mass Customization has aroused abroad attentions in theory and business circles.


  • 定制运动英格兰具有挑战性大规模生产一端规模毕竟没有开发机械瓷釉技术珠宝

    The bespoke movement in England is challenging mass production at the other end of the scale, after all has anyone developed mechanical enamelling techniques for jewellery?


  • 环境变化引起企业生产范式大规模生产大规模定制转变

    Environment changes cause the corporations' manufacture made transform from Mass Production to Mass Customization.


  • 集群式供应链作为一种新型的网络组织系统,大规模定制生产上,其独特优势

    As a new kind of network organization, the cluster supply chain holds a unique advantage in the mass customization.


  • 进行多样化、定制产品生产同时实现大规模生产成本和速度,将成为企业新一轮市场竞争成功的关键。

    To reach the low cost of Mass Production, while producing in diversification and customization, is the key to success in a new round of market competition of enterprises.


  • 进行多样化、定制产品生产同时实现大规模生产成本和速度,将成为企业新一轮市场竞争成功的关键。

    To reach the low cost of Mass Production, while producing in diversification and customization, is the key to success in a new round of market competition of enterprises.


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