• 当时天下着大雨能见度

    It was raining heavily and visibility was poor.


  • 上下大量着下着大雨街道

    He looked up and down the rain-swept street.


  • 大雨洪水淹死了许多家畜

    The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.


  • 当时下着前所未有的大雨

    It was raining harder than ever.


  • 大雨倾盆而下,使沥青有了黑色光泽

    Sheets of rain were falling and produced a black gloss on the asphalt.


  • 只要一下大雨地窖就淹水。

    The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.


  • 乌云密布预示大雨将至。

    The clouds threatened rain.


  • 比赛大雨取消了。

    The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain.


  • 尽管着倾盆大雨他们9:30准时到达了

    They duly arrived at 9.30 in spite of torrential rain.


  • 啪嗒啪嗒地落树叶上。

    A few big raindrops fell pattering upon the leaves.


  • 瓢泼大雨猛烈地下起来。

    The rain commenced pouring violently down.


  • 长期大雨收获,其甜度低于其他熟瓜。

    Ripe melons harvested after a prolonged period of heavy rain should be less sweet than other ripe melons.


  • 大雨

    It's raining cats and dogs.


  • 公主站在那儿哭了起来,猪倌骂了她一声,大雨倾盆而下。

    The Princess now stood and wept, the swineherd scolded, and the rain poured down.


  • 连续下了几天大雨,随时有暴发山洪危险做好准备。

    It has been raining heavily in the last few days and mountain torrents may become a danger at any moment. We must be prepared.


  • 天下着大雨,下着冰雹电闪雷鸣闪电黑夜白天

    It poured rain, it hailed, it thundered, and the lightning was so bright that it turned the night into day.


  • 现在大雨倾盆而,阵阵狂风沿着地面把它们刮成了雨幕。

    Now a drenching rain poured down and the rising hurricane drove it in sheets along the ground.


  • 大雨过后各种野生蘑菇破土,给山林城镇增添了欢乐。

    After heavy rain, various kinds of wild mushrooms break ground and out, which adds delightfulness to mountain forests and towns.


  • 他们昨晚广播场暴风雨山上来,晨报预报大雨

    They said on the radio last night that a storm was coming in from the mountains and the morning paper forecast heavy rain.


  • 树木烧毁,大雨随之而来更多灾难可怕的洪水将会发生

    When trees are burnt down, and heavy rain follows, more disasters such as terrible floods will happen.


  • 中国南方遭受了大雨导致44死亡,21人失踪大片庄稼受损

    The south of China suffered a heavy rain which killed 44 people, made 21 missing and hurt a large area of crops.


  • 想到了那次连续瓢泼大雨人们第一天晚上湿透了,状况越来越糟

    I think about the five days of pure rain, where people were soggy at the first night and it only got worse.


  • 坐在安乐椅上,听得呼啸大风猛烈地冲击屋子大雨击打着屋外的街面

    He was sitting on an easy chair, only hear the rushing gale hit his house violently, and heavy rain hit the street outside.


  • 然后随着炽热阳光和滂沱的大雨交替出现黑色岩石粗糙而贫瘠表面开始慢慢软化

    Then, as blazing sunshine alternated with drenching rains, the harsh, barren surfaces of the black rocks slowly began to soften.


  • 多年春季初夏大雨温和冬季频繁大西洋风暴干旱时期轻微的东北风,和夏季热浪

    Years of heavy spring and early summer rains, mild winters, and frequent Atlantic storms, or to periods of droughts, light northeasterly winds, and summer heat waves.


  • 聚积起来,大雨倾泄干透了大地上

    The clouds gathered and showers poured down upon the parched earth.


  • 开车越过小山德尔诺特的那天大雨刮大风

    It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Del Norte.


  • 大雨倾盆。

    It was raining hard at the moment.


  • 们带来了大雨和洪水。

    They bring heavy rain and floods.


  • 车到达时开始下起了大雨

    It began to rain heavily when the train arrived.


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