• 太阳云的天空中明亮地照耀着。

    The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky.


  • 迁徙布满灰白天空

    Migrating birds filled the pale sky.


  • 夕阳将大片天空染成火红色

    The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky.


  • 清晨天空看上去是斑驳深灰色调

    In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled grey.


  • 星星天空中闪烁。

    Stars twinkled in the sky.


  • 星星天空中闪烁

    Stars sparkled in the sky.


  • 流星划过天空

    A meteorite streaked across the sky.


  • 指向天空

    He pointed skywards.


  • 指向天空

    She pointed skywards.


  • 枪声响个不停,照明弹升起来,周围天空照亮了。

    Guns were blazing, flares going up and the sky was lit up all around.


  • 他们看到一道强光一个巨大火球直冲天空几百英尺

    They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky.


  • 地平线上,大片陆地变成片连绵暗淡的浅灰色几乎天空交融在一起

    At the horizon the land mass becomes a continuous pale neutral grey, almost blending with the sky.


  • 整个天空漏水然后开始进水

    The sky leaked all over all of the water, and then it began to leak into the car.


  • 星星渐渐地天空中消失了。

    Stars faded out from the sky.


  • 飞行汽车可能很快就会出现天空中。

    Sooner than you think, flying cars may appear in the sky.


  • 了,湛蓝天空荒原上空形成了拱形

    The wind itself had ceased and a brilliant, deep blue sky arched high over the moorland.


  • 所有这些电子仪表都以不同的方式污染天空

    All those electrical gauges pollute the skies, just in a differen way.


  • 过去,她喜欢这些朝着天空生长的生物。

    She liked them things as was allus pointin' up to th' blue sky, she used to tell.


  • 天空这个物体翅膀显然了,不是鸟类

    The object in the sky apparently had wings far too short and wide for a bird.


  • 学校停车场警报响彻天空

    In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.


  • 天空开始冰雹巨大的雹子

    It started to hail, huge great stones.


  • 迪尔沃西凝望着天空面前的满是涂鸦

    Dillworthy was staring into space, with a scrawl of doodles on the pad in front of him.


  • 德军俯冲轰炸机已经连续袭这个港口了。

    The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.


  • 野鸭突然展翅飞起,愤怒地尖声直冲天空

    A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk.


  • 天空没有星星。

    There are no stars in the firmament.


  • 恐龙昆虫哺乳动物上了天空

    Dinosaurs, insects and mammals took to the air.


  • 我抬头看天空时,我注意到天空是美丽又宁静的。

    When I looked up at the sky, I noticed the sky was beautiful and peaceful.


  • 面的天空是灰色的。

    Outside the skies were grey.


  • 充满了空气吗?

    Is the sky full of air?


  • 天空乐队,我们知道些什么?

    What can we know about the band The Sky?


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