天行健,君子以自强不息,自由市场意味着你和你的邻居需勤奋工作以谋生; 自由市场意味着人们在自愿和共同的约定下生产和交换产品和服务;
The free market is you and your neighbors working hard to produce what you produce, and exchanging goods and services voluntarily, in mutually agreeable arrangements.
天行健,君子以自强不息,自由市场意味着你和你的邻居需勤奋工作以谋生; 自由市场意味着人们在自愿和共同的约定下生产和交换产品和服务;
The free market is you and your neighbors working hard to produce what you produce, and exchanging goods and services voluntarily, in mutually agreeable arrangements.