• 该设计在此时已经提议包括浮动飞行太阳能电池阵列

    Designs have been proposed before that include floating or flying solar arrays.


  • 而使用太阳能电池阵列则节省重量有利于加强安全和装载更多货物

    Using solar arrays saves weight that can be used to enhance safety and launch more cargo.


  • 结果表明太阳辐射飞艇控制模式太阳能电池阵列对其定点性能有较大影响

    The results reveal that solar radiation, control style and solar array obviously affect the floating performance of the airship.


  • 最后,本文给出实验结果证明设计太阳能电池阵列模拟器具有良好性能

    At last, the theme puts forward the experimental results and makes sure that the simulator in my design has a good performance.


  • 曼哈顿海滩工作室安装巨型太阳能电池阵列,好阿凡达续集拍摄达到耗能。

    He will install a massive solar array at Manhattan Beach Studios to make the filming of the Avatar sequels net zero.


  • 曼哈顿海滩工作室安装巨型太阳能电池阵列,好阿凡达续集拍摄达到耗能。

    He will __ 06 __ a massive solar array at Manhattan Beach Studios to make the filming of the Avatar sequels net zero.


  • 月球表面风化材料制造太阳能电池阵列的建设得到极大普及,兆瓦级的太阳能电站星罗棋布。

    Millions of megawatts (terawatts) of electric power will be generated on the Moon by solar arrays that have been constructed from lunar regolith materials.


  • 太阳能水泵光伏扬水系统主要光伏扬水逆变器交流水泵太阳能电池阵列组成

    Solar energy water pump is also called the photovoltaic importance system, mainly by photovoltaic importance inverter, exchange water pump and solar array composition.


  • 想象一下,一个屋顶窗户都是太阳能集热器房子,有可能传统太阳能电池阵列产生更多电力

    Imagine a house that has solar collectors on the roof, and the Windows. That could potentially generate far more electricity than a traditional solar array.


  • 加利福尼亚州丰塔纳南加州爱迪生公司租赁大量仓库屋顶,在2008年安装一个2.44兆瓦太阳能电池阵列

    Southern California Edison leased the roof of this massive warehouse in Fontana, California, to install a 2.44-megawatt solar array in 2008.


  • 发现号有效载荷桁架部分太阳能电池阵列预定17加载运输在1月11被转移发射台

    Discovery's payload, the S6 truss segment and solar arrays are scheduled to be loaded into the transport canister Jan. 7 and transferred to the launch pad Jan. 11.


  • 电池本身比较容易批量gratzel其他人研制出了将纳米晶体太阳能电池阵列印刷”到玻璃板和金属方法

    And the cells themselves should be easy to mass produce. Gratzel and others have developed methods for 'printing' arrays of nanocrystal solar cells onto glass panels and metal foils.


  • 2007年5月:进行太阳能动力试点加州20家分店顶部安装太阳能电池阵列每年减少60008000立方米的温室气体排放量

    May 2007: Launches a solar-power pilot, installing solar arrays on top of 20 stores in California, eliminating 6,000 to 8,000 metric tons of greenhouse-gas emissions each year.


  • 但是,位于美国加州奥洛维尔市巴特学院学生更远,他们建造了巨大的太阳能电池阵列,靠着中央大峡谷的充沛阳光自给自足。

    But the students at Butte College in Oroville, California, will go a lot further, thanks to the Central Valley sunshine.


  • 唯一建议我们可以提供关于暂停应该足以保护汽车太阳能电池阵列不必要的震动坚定的,足以提供一个稳定车程

    The only advice we can offer with respect to suspension is that it should be soft enough to protect the car and solar array from unnecessary jolts and firm enough to provide a stable ride.


  • 一个光伏阵列若干太阳能电池连接一起集合

    A photovoltaic array is a linked collection of multiple solar cells.


  • 我们首次考虑线阵列太阳能电池时,我们设想硅线与硅线之间空间阳光将会浪费,”金森·伯格解释说。

    "When we first considered silicon wire-array solar cells, we assumed that sunlight would be wasted on the space between wires," explains Kelzenberg.


  • 一个光伏阵列树木房屋等物体遮挡住时,太阳能电池发生电子堆积现象,好似交通阻塞中的汽车一样因而电流减弱

    When a PV array is shaded by another object, like a tree or a house, the solar panels get backed up with electrons like cars in a traffic jam, and the current drops.


  • 换言之这些阵列具有传统晶体太阳能电池(crystallinesolar cell)厚度时,它们体积相当于两微米厚的薄膜的体积。

    In other words, while these arrays have the thickness of a conventional crystalline solar cell, their volume is equivalent to that of a two-micron-thick film.


  • 还说沙漠地区其他计划安装巨型阵列反光镜用于发电太阳能电池并不因此受到影响。

    Other plans for the desert region, such as the installation of giant arrays of mirrors and solar panels to generate electricity would not be affected, he says.


  • 考虑每天有限光照时间太阳能电池发电的影响在每个立面安装阵列值得

    It may not be worth installing arrays across the whole of any facade due to the limited period during each day when the cells may be able to generate power.


  • 二氧化钛纳米管阵列可以作为染料太阳能电池工作电极污水处理过程中的基质材料

    The titanium dioxide nanotube arrays can be used as the host materials of the working electrode of dye-sensitized solar cells, the wastewater treatment process, and the like.


  • 光伏阵列位于怀廷斯维尔镇包含4683太阳能电池每一个产生210电力

    The photovoltaic array is located in the town of Whitinsville and will contain 4,683 solar panels, each of which will produce 210 watts of electricity.


  • 光伏阵列位于怀廷斯维尔镇包含4683太阳能电池每一个产生210电力

    The photovoltaic array is located in the town of Whitinsville and will contain 4,683 solar panels, each of which will produce 210 watts of electricity.


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