Song Benlong's blaming slips of the tongue to blood type is just tapping into this psychology of the people.
Let's sing about it! Faith is believing what you cannot see. Faith is believing what God says will be.
And, like any public figure making an embarrassing gaffe, the quote quickly became meme fodder with one-liners.
Instead, we can surmise that Dumbledore knew that Hagrid might slip, and used this to his advantage.
History indicates that a bad performance, particularly a telling gaffe2, can badly damage a candidate in the polls.
Hiring a PR firm can be well worth the expense, but even then a nasty faux pas can occur.
History indicates that a bad performance, particularly a telling gaffe, can badly damage a candidate in the polls.
I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked him how his wife was, she's left him for another man.
If you love someone, you should give him more tolerance for his temper, his self-will, his improper words, and his frailty.
In human society, some companies give employees lip-service, finally not implemented, let employees live in poverty and in fraud.
So, I close in saying that I might have been given a bad break, but I've got an awful lot to live for.
"Yes, I misspoke," said the statement released by Stone's publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone."
Palin faces an experienced Washington hand in Senator Biden, but the Delaware lawmaker is prone to verbal gaffes (mistakes).
But he and some of his colleagues-clearly fearful of committing a legal faux pas-often seemed evasive.
Huck, you just wait till we get in there. If we don't find it I'll agree to give you my drum and every thing I've got in the world. I will, by jings.
Trustworthiness is a man of principle and commitment to one thing you have to others, it can not slip of the tongue, otherwise I would not trust you, it will become increasingly hate you.
The essay analyzes the different types of speech errors, especially focusing on slips of the tongue, and tries to find out the causes thereof.
Gloria smiles: "you are my Ray, I know you are at the first time I saw you... you never lost your words for me, I know you'll be back."
Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.
In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.
In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.