Race to match the sandwich on the picture card in Fast Food or try to toss a sandwich filling onto a bread glove in Service on the Fly.
But I do enjoy many other famous French foods. For example, did you ever try a "croquet Monsieur"?
Pop a frozen waffle or pancake into the toaster and top it with warm applesauce and cinnamon. Too easy, huh?
And then one day we both ordered sandwiches just from the same place, and he got my lettuce and tomato on whole wheat, which of course he was allergic to, and I got his lettuce and tomato on white.
土耳其软糖(Turkish delight)始于1777年,是一种外面包裹白色糖衣粉的软糖,有玫瑰,柠檬,香草等口味,还有无花果,榛子等夹心的土耳其糖。
Turkish delight came to the world in the year 1777. It is a kind of jelly drops, which is wrapped up in sugar-coat powder.
土耳其软糖(Turkish delight)始于1777年,是一种外面包裹白色糖衣粉的软糖,有玫瑰,柠檬,香草等口味,还有无花果,榛子等夹心的土耳其糖。
Turkish delight came to the world in the year 1777. It is a kind of jelly drops, which is wrapped up in sugar-coat powder.