• 据称,决定年度奥斯卡最佳影片得主投票系统改变

    The voting system, which will determine the winner of the best picture at this year's Oscars is being changed, it has been announced.


  • 顺带地哈里斯觉得部电影获得今年奥斯卡最佳影片

    Incidentally, I asked Harris which film he thinks will win the Oscar this year for best picture.


  • 美女野兽》在1991年奥斯卡最佳影片只有五个提名名额入围了

    Beauty and the Beast also earned a nod in 1991 at a time when there were only five movies up for Best Picture.


  • 所评选出来最佳影片当中40%最终夺得奥斯卡最佳影片奖。

    More than 40 percent of the film critics' choices for best picture have gone on to win the Oscars in the same category.


  • 节目印度版本正是2008年奥斯卡最佳影片贫民窟的百万富翁》核心

    An Indian version of the show also was central to the plot of the 2008 Academy Award best picture, "Slumdog Millionaire."


  • 百万宝贝》,奥斯卡最佳影片,克林特·伊斯特伍德导演一个女子拳击手奋斗里程

    "Million dollar baby", Oscar best, Clint? Eastwood director, a female boxer fighting mileage.


  • 这部电影荣获第68奥斯卡最佳影片最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳音乐、最佳化装项大奖。

    It won five 68-second Oscar awards for best picture, best director, best cinematography, best music, best make up.


  • 40年中拿到13奥斯卡最佳影片制片人约翰·达利周五癌症洛杉矶逝世,享年71

    Producer John Daly, whose films garnered 13 best-movie Oscars over 40 years, died of cancer Friday in Los Angeles at age 71.


  • 皮克斯工作室的《飞屋环游记》在众望所归之下,导演皮特·道格特捧回2010奥斯卡最佳影片

    Pixar's Up, the favorite to win, took home the 2010 Oscar for best picture for director Pete Docter.


  • 皮克斯工作室的《飞屋环游记》在众望所归之下,导演皮特·道格特捧回2010奥斯卡最佳影片

    Pixar’s Up, the favorite to win, took home the 2010 Oscar for best picture for director Pete Docter.


  • 奥斯卡最佳影片《聚焦》没有任何让人心跳加速的戏剧冲突,也没有大多数犯罪悬疑片一样采用惊悚的倒叙

    The Oscar-winning film Spotlight doesn't contain any heart-racing confrontations or gruesome flashbacks like most crime mysteries do.


  • 该片除了仅有10获得奥斯卡最佳影片的音乐电影之一外,也是极少数能够获得最高荣誉喜剧电影之一。

    In addition to being one of only 10 musicals to win Best Picture, "Going my Way" is also largely considered to be one of very few comedic films to earn the Academy's highest honor.


  • 一次最佳影片提名不再限于特定数目影片,所有获得足够票数影片有资格获得奥斯卡最佳影片提名

    This time around, instead of nominating a specific number of films for the award for Best Picture, the Oscars are nominating whichever films get enough votes to qualify for a nomination.


  • 并不是一个喜欢赌博的人,但是我打赌今年奥斯卡最佳影片,将颁一部三个命名的影片,而且会以英文字母‘the’字打头

    I’M NOT a gambling man, but I’d put money on this year’s Best Picture Oscar going to a film with a three-word title, the first word being “The”.


  • 在1931到1943年这十二年奥斯卡最佳影片提名名单上通常10影片,偶尔有几年会有8或者是12影片

    Between 1931 and 1943, Mr. Ganis said, the academy usually had 10 best-picture nominees, though in some years it had either 8 or 12.


  • 黄金年代1946年获得了奥斯卡最佳影片,这部影片当时大受欢迎,获得了全面成功,至今看来仍然一部非常棒的影片

    The Best of Years of Our Lives won best picture Oscar in 1946, and was just an all-around smash hit and success and it is still a wonderful film to this day.


  • 他们上一部大手笔所依》(NoCountryfor OldMen赢得了1.72亿美元的全球票房收入,荣膺奥斯卡最佳影片大奖。

    Their last big film, No Country for Old Men, earned $172 million at the global box office and won the Oscar for Best Picture.


  • 来自白宫一段视频里,米歇尔·奥巴马提高音调宣布本届奥斯卡最佳影片《逃离德黑兰》。之后,麦克法兰被迫舞台上演唱失败者之歌》。

    After Michelle Obama raised the tone of the broadcast by announcing the best picture award for Argo from the White House, MacFarlane was forced to stand on stage and sing the Loser Song.


  • 社交网络》,描写Facebook崛起之路,最早列为奥斯卡最佳影片奖的候选,被批评家们肯定,领衔今年各大奖项的头奖,包括金球奖

    The Social Network, chronicling the rise of Facebook, had been the early Oscar favorite for best-picture, named the year's top drama by key critics groups and the Golden Globes.


  • 基于电影发烧友电影历史学家们采访这里罗列出奥斯卡最佳影片其中包括两部系列电影(“教父”指环王”),这些都是DVD蓝光电影光盘收藏必不可少的。

    Here, based on interviews with film buffs and movies historians, are the Top 10 Best Picture winners -- including a pair of multifilm sets -- that are must-haves for your DVD/Blu-ray library


  • 福克斯探照灯电影公司(Fox Searchlight)发言人戴安娜·卢米斯(DianaLoomis),同样拒绝对此发表评论。正是福克斯探照灯电影公司去年发布奥斯卡最佳影片《贫民窟的百万富翁》。

    Diana Loomis, a spokeswoman for Fox Searchlight, which released "Slumdog Millionaire," also declined to comment.


  • 水形物语》是第90届奥斯卡最大赢家,赢得了4个奥斯卡奖项:最佳艺术指导、最佳原创配乐、最佳导演和最佳影片

    The Shape of Water was a big winner at the 90th Academy Awards, winning four Oscars: Best Production Design, Best Score, as well as Best Director and Best Picture.


  • 奥斯卡距今还有但是大多数出版人和影评人——哈,更别提金球奖了——已经选定了他们心目中的2009最佳影片

    The Oscars are still a few weeks away, but most publications and critics-not to mention the Golden globes-have long since picked their top movies of 2009.


  • 洛杉矶——关于英王乔治六世与其演讲辅导师历史剧国王的演讲(The King's Speech)》,周日晚上第83届奥斯卡颁奖典礼上捧得了最佳影片其它三个奖项

    LOS ANGELES — “TheKing’s Speech, ” the period drama about King George VI of Britain and his vocalcoach, won best picture and three other trophies at the 83rd Academy Awardsceremony on Sunday night.


  • 据悉,奥斯卡过去25里的惨败收视率发生在2008年,当晚平均仅3170万观众观看了《所依获得最佳影片颁奖现场。

    Oscar's smallest audience in the last 25 years took place in 2008, when an average of 31.7 million people watched the ceremony the night No Country for Old Men won Best Picture.


  • 有些人认为是因为今年奥斯卡阵容聚集了票房巨头影片包括最佳影片奖提名《阿凡达》无耻混蛋》。

    Others say it's because this year's Oscar lineup featured a number of major box-office attractions, including potential best picture winners Avatar and Inglourious Basterds.


  • 国王演讲在83届奥斯卡颁奖典礼荣获最佳影片

    The King's Speech was crowned best picture of the year at the 83rd Academy Awards.


  • 无间行者》包揽了大奖,包括“最佳影片”,马丁·斯科赛斯获得的“最佳导演”, 成了奥斯卡全场赢家

    The Departed was the big winner at this year's Academy Awards, taking home four awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese.


  • 无间行者》包揽了大奖,包括“最佳影片”,马丁·斯科赛斯获得的“最佳导演”, 成了奥斯卡全场赢家

    The Departed was the big winner at this year's Academy Awards, taking home four awards including Best Picture and Best Director for Martin Scorsese.


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