In the early Disney cartoon movies, princesses like Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty are usually good looking and kind hearted.
Aurora introduced one of the first cell-phone-guided walking tours offered in America.
In 1837, when a Post Office was established, the village became Aurora, goddess of the dawn.
Aurora was the first large city in the U. S. to connect all its schools to the World Wide Web (1995).
And to the people of Aurora, may the Lord bring you comfort and healing in the hard days to come.
Bellick asks where he's going. Kellerman says he's late for a meeting in Aurora.
Katic later moved with her family to Aurora, Illinois. She spent the following years moving back and forth between Canada and the US.
Miguel also use time into the scene, the tragic when aurora childhood experience out, all made the audience understand what she is the vengeance of the reason.
As many of you know, early on Friday, at least twelve people were killed when a gunman opened fire at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado.
The soil, from PCS Phosphate Mine in Aurora, isn't as old as dinosaurs, whose fossils are more than 65 million years old.
Cultural attache Jerome spends his last holidays as a bachelor at Lake Annecy where he meets Aurora, an Italian writer and old friend.
In a time of Aurora, Sandy Hook, and Orlando, director Lynne Ramsay's decision to tilt this distinctly into the realm of nightmare feels right.
Aurora as a result of grief about the loss of his son, her tears have been flowing daily morning it can be seen in the Leaves of Grass with dew presence of those tears.
In 2002, the U. s. Census Bureau ranked the city of Aurora as the 13th fastest growing city in the United States of cities with more than 100,000 residents.
The district, which includes parts of Naperville and Aurora, may increase class sizes to 31 students per teacher, Dranias said.
Later in 2006, Angra worked once again with producer Dennis Ward on their new album, entitled Aurora Consurgens, focusing on a non-concept album as Rebirth was.
Newtown Connecticut, Aurora Colorado, Tucson Arizona, when a mass shooting happens, like we've seen in the those cities, the issue of gun control often comes up.
She completed a second edition of Poems, as well as Casa Guidi Windows 1851, Poems before Congress 1860, and her well known 19 verse-novel, Aurora Leigh 1856.
If you want to get rich leave new York City, Washington DC or Los Angeles and head to Plano, Texas, Aurora, Colorado or Omaha, Nebraska where wages are high and life is good, a new survey showed.
If you want to get rich leave new York City, Washington DC or Los Angeles and head to Plano, Texas, Aurora 1, Colorado or Omaha, Nebraska where wages are high and life is good, a new survey showed.
Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulder are becoming hot-button issues.
Similar measures in California's Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado's Boulder are becoming hot-button issues.