• 了个女儿叫苏珊娜

    She bore him a daughter, Susanna.


  • 最大孩子是个女儿叫法蒂哈。

    The eldest child was a daughter called Fatiha.


  • 谈到女儿们使她更加神采飞扬。

    Talking about her daughters livens her up.


  • 正在寻求女儿自由探视权

    She is seeking more liberal visitation with her daughter.


  • 女儿正在收集他的个人物品。

    His daughters were collecting his effects.


  • 看着自己女儿们都长大成人了。

    He watched his daughters grow to womanhood.


  • 女儿们恪守深闺的习俗。

    He kept his daughters in virtual purdah.


  • 他们两个十几岁的女儿

    They have two teenaged daughters.


  • 相信女儿需要一个父亲般的人物

    She believed her daughter needed a father-figure.


  • 许多母亲男尊女卑错误观念教育女儿

    Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.


  • 期望女儿温顺听话

    He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.


  • 巴兰茨夫人希望能女儿身边倾诉

    Mrs. Barrantes longs to be at her daughter's side to offer her a shoulder to cry on.


  • 许多女儿臆想她们母亲不会受到伤害。

    Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.


  • 卧床不起女儿不时地来探望

    Her daughters visited him from time to time when he was bedridden.


  • 后来女儿父亲那样讲话训斥了她。

    Later she scolded her daughter for having talked to her father like that.


  • 其实更多做好朋友,而不是女儿

    I don't really think of her as a daughter so much as a very good friend.


  • 公爵女儿玛丽安娜在惊吓之后失语了

    Marianna, the duke's daughter, became mute after a shock.


  • 希望自己14女儿在半夜凌晨回家

    She didn't want her fourteen-year-old daughter coming home at all hours of the morning.


  • 其他几个女儿面对母亲感情渴望躲开了。

    Other daughters, faced with their mother's emotional hunger, pull away.


  • 对于泰勒非常愤怒,因为去了女儿的贞操。

    She was enraged with Taylor because he had deflowered her daughter.


  • 弗洛伊德关于女儿理论没有什么证据证实

    The Freudian theory about daughters falling in love with their father has little evidence to support it.


  • 我们自己女儿取名叫埃玛这完全巧合。

    It's purely coincidental that we both chose to call our daughters Emma.


  • 两个女儿一伙闯入家中的歹徒持枪挟持。

    She and her two daughters were held at gunpoint by a gang who burst into their home.


  • 阿比盖尔母亲琳达看待女儿天赋时既骄傲担忧

    Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry.


  • 马德里格夫人条毛巾开始擦干女儿旁边盘子

    Mrs. Madrigal picked up a towel and began drying dishes next to her daughter.


  • 女儿经纪人商量之后决定她的要求接受那个角色

    After consulting with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part, on her terms.


  • 记得女儿医院看望出生的弟弟确切一刻

    I can remember the precise moment when my daughter came to see me and her new baby brother in the hospital.


  • 这个写实剧取材于奥兹其妻莎伦女儿凯莉儿子杰克另类生活

    The reality-based show followed the unorthodox lives of Ozzy, his wife Sharon, daughter Kelly, and son, Jack.


  • 克里如此充满艺术家气质绝不会想到位银行家女儿

    Chris is so full of artistic temperament you'd never think she was the daughter of a banker.


  • 所有母亲一样也有幻想,想像女儿长大成人后生活会怎样

    I had fantasies, as do all mothers, about how life would be when my girls were grown.


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