The South was a slave society, and we tried to demonstrate and define that last time.
The nature and meaning of human figure sculpture changed in slave societies.
Law's generation dates back to a period of transition from primitive society to slave society.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, China began to transform from slave society to feudal society.
Since China gone to the slavery society, the ideas of "filial piety" had bud in China.
From the paleolithic period to the slave society, the feudal society, the jade carving wears is representing the people social position.
He makes a case for viewing the U. S. South as one of the five true "slave societies" in world history.
China's ancient history is of long standing and well established, go through three kinds of social shapes of primitive society, slave society, feudal society.
The Chinese traditional legal culture created in slave society and feudalistic society , and had dense characteristics of the feudalism and ages.
It was in Xia, Shang, Zhou periods in Slave Society that the bronze and developed brilliantly, and the bronze decorative pattering were mainly composed of lines.
Luxuriant Burial has been a special social phenomenon in China, with a long history from the Slavery Society to the present times.
From slave society to Renaissance, women are only applied to the male artist 's creation as a creating symbol.
Then came the Spring and autumn and Warring States periods (i. e., the Eastern Zhou Dynasty), periods of transition from slave to feudal society.
As we know very little about them apart from legend, we can only speculate that they were probably tribal chieftains during the transitional period from primitive to slave society.
The Yin people who had just stepped out of barbarism and into the slavery society were very superstitious and worshiped gods and spirits.
They refer to ancient Egypt, Babylon, India and China, which were considered as the earliest entry from primitive society into slave society. They were the cradles of civilizations of the world.
They refer to ancient Egypt, Babylon, India and China, which were considered as the earliest entry from primitive society into slave society. They were the cradles of civilizations of the world.