It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.
If she feels uncomfortable in any way, she is to mutter out loud the phrase, "I hope I'm not getting a cold."
When you're making a movie if you're not in some way feeling tested every day-if it is easy-do you feel uncomfortable?
"My personal view is that if I've paid for the information, my openness to the advertising will be affected," he said.
If she feels that she cannot trust you, she will either ignore your message or will tell you that she doesn't feel comfortable giving out her number.
You are there for a purpose, and most interviewers want to keep that boundary. If you don’t maintain a little distance, they might take it the wrong way.
If children or animals eat the leaves they may become sick, but they will not die.
You are there for a purpose, and most interviewers want to keep that boundary. If you don't maintain a little distance, they might take it the wrong way.
They can talk to you on several topics, can hold intellectual discussions but can become uncomfortable if you start discussing their feelings.
Restless legs syndrome is present when a peculiar and difficult-to-describe sensation occurs in the calves or thighs while at rest.
I will recover from this bad feeling but I would never recover from being called a wimp.
他们测试了最后11人的一个小组,他们称如果不穿高跟鞋走路就会感觉不舒服。 然后他们重新招募了另一组从来没有穿过高跟鞋的女性。
They tested a final group of 11 who felt uncomfortable walking without their heels and recruited a second group of women who did not wear high heels.
If you really don't feel well, go home. There isn't much work today anyway.
If you go to your project manager and say, "I feel sick inside, I can't sleep at night; I suspect our code is starting to suck," your manager will shoot back, "can you prove that?"
If you want to say that you don't feel well, you can say: I feel a little sick.
In the lopping off, the field begins to wobble and one may feel quite ill if one has expanded far enough to feel the unconscious dance of the media.
If you experience discomfort because of your age gap, ask for a private moment and raise it tactfully and respectfully.
If you're feeling uncomfortable about an argument the two of you might've had earlier, just take the initiative and apologize - even if there's been some awkward silence for the past few hours.
If the screen is flickering, or viewing the screen is uncomfortable, increase the refresh rate until you are comfortable with it.
If he momentarily loses track of it, the anxiety flares up again, and the diffuse discomfort of the topic returns.
Watch your body language. People who look illatease make others uncomfortable. Act confident and comfortable, even when you're not.
And remember, if you are uncomfortable talking with strangers, your new contact may be just as uncomfortable.
It doesn't matter how amazing the drinks are - if people are uncomfortable, nothing else matters.
It doesn't matter how amazing the drinks are - if people are uncomfortable, nothing else matters.