Gestational Diabetes Impairs Human Fetal Postprandial Brain Activity.
Conclusion Pregnancy diet control to a treatment of diabetes.
Obese pregnant women are more likely to develop gestational diabetes, which manifests itself during pregnancy.
Purpose Evaluation of diet control and diet on the treatment of diabetes in pregnancy.
How Do We Reduce the Number of Cases of Missed Postpartum Diabetes in Women With Recent Gestational Diabetes Mellitus?
目的研究饮食控制对妊娠糖尿病(GDM )的治疗作用。
Objective To research the effect of nutritional therapy on gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM).
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a common complication during pregnancy.
Bleeding during pregnancy, gestational diabetes and medication use are also associated with increased autism risk.
The easiest diet I ever went on was when I was pregnant and had gestational diabetes.
You have to be careful because with high glucose you can develop gestational diabetes and it can harm both you and the baby.
You have a complication, such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes, or a chronic or acute illness, that makes it risky to continue your pregnancy.
Objective To evaluate the role of glucokinase(GCK) gene in the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus(GDM) in Chinese.
The scope was broader than other studies, too, since the researchers looked at those with diabetes as well as gestational diabetes.
The relative risk for pancreatic cancer conferred by gestational diabetes, adjusted for age at first observed birth and birth weight, was 7.1 (< 0.0001).
Conclusion: Childbearing did not elevate diabetes incidence among those with normal glucose tolerance during pregnancy (without GDM).
Another study in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine suggests that doctors may someday want to treat a rise in pregnancy-related blood sugar levels even more aggressively than they do now.
Exercise can help keep pregnancy weight gain in check, prevent gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension, and possibly reduce length of labor.
So-called gestational diabetes surfaces in one out of every 20 pregnant women, and there has been concern that metformin might affect a fetus because the drug can cross the placenta.
Women with gestational diabetes and prior shoulder dystocia: what is the optimal mode of delivery?
Summary of observations nutrition and diet control after gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in patients with blood sugar levels significantly lower than non-steering group.
As disease progression is aggressive in pancreatic cancer, it makes it unlikely that gestational diabetes diagnosed... years earlier is a consequence of tumor growth.
As well as increasing type 2 diabetes risk for the mother, GDM also increases the child's risk of developing diabetes and obesity later on in their life.
Obese women face increased risk of infertility and problems during pregnancy, including hypertension, gestational diabetes and thromboembolic events and are more likely to need a cesarean section.
前言: 目的:探讨妊娠期糖尿病筛查与管理,调查其患病率及妊娠糖尿病血糖控制对妊娠结局的影响。
Objective:To explore the management of GDM and the relationship between blood glucose level and pregnancy outcome.
The frequency of gestational diabetes is increasing worldwide, so it is important to have level 1 evidence that treatment does make a difference.
Will this correlation remain consistent in special groups such as children with type I diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, or perhaps diabetics with chronic renal insufficiency?
Will this correlation remain consistent in special groups such as children with type I diabetes, women with gestational diabetes, or perhaps diabetics with chronic renal insufficiency?