Mr. Morrison alluded to his difficulties with his mother―in―law.
As one banker puts it delicately: the growth of these new will add some new challenges.
Hsieh said he hit upon the idea for the City Hall location in a roundabout way.
Attending unnecessary meetings. Practice the "Right to Decline" unneeded meetings.
I've been beating my brains out all day over that report, and I still can't find a way to make my Suggestions politely.
Conversely, orientals tend not to direct conflict but euphemistically through the status of relatively high third party to insert.
Face the issue with the other party and discuss whatever challenges you may have candidly. Say what you mean politely.
The game was full of what you might mildly call "personalities, " and fights of various sorts often broke out (usually over bad calls).
"So, " I tried to delicately ask, "What is it like to wake up every morning and know that you are dying?
After a while the action director allusively told me that they misunderstood my meaning. They thought that I wanted the action sequence to have me falling down; hence they placed the wire that way.
Sometimes magpies fly around, singing happily. Chinese people believe that the song singing by magpies means good luck. It probably stands for the friendship between the two countries.
During a long summer afternoon, I heard a bird's chirping. WhenI approached it, he flew off.
当晚这妇人没有吃晚饭,这时她已经睡了,听了这一番婉转的冷潮与热骂,她呜呜咽咽地 低声哭泣 了。
The young woman who had gone to bed without supper was awakened by this torrent of malicious abuse and burst into convulsive sobs.
当晚这妇人没有吃晚饭,这时她已经睡了,听了这一番婉转的冷潮与热骂,她呜呜咽咽地 低声哭泣 了。
The young woman who had gone to bed without supper was awakened by this torrent of malicious abuse and burst into convulsive sobs.