Even Facebook, the current social darling, has moved away from being about real-life friendships.
Caption: Media Darling: Kim Dae Jung speaks to the press at his home in Seoul in August 1973.
Forrest 先生对大亨们的市场垄断的挑战以及他绚丽多姿的身世背景使他成为媒体宠儿。
Mr Forrest’s challenge to the big boys’ market control, and his colourful background, have made him something of a media darling.
The most negatively portrayed companies managed to beat the market by an average of 12.4%, whereas the outperformance of the media darlings fell to just 4.2%.
A high school dropout and part-time rally racer, he has become something of a self-made media personality who writes books, produces music and is now the editor of a new magazine.
Looking emaciated, he farmed out large parts of his speech, which is usually a big marketing and media event, to other presenters. But he still held the crowd in thrall as ever.
A New Jersey black bear that walks upright on its two back legs and has become a social media darling has re-emerged and has been captured on video months after its last sighting.
Michelle Obama's fashion sense, from vibrant yellow dresses to shick chic black evening wear, made her a media darling.
While he doesn't officially represent the campaign, Mr. Goetschel has become a media darling in recent months, arguing for the referendum on talk shows and in town-hall debates.
“If I take to the barricades, I could raise awareness and I’d be the darling of the foreign media, ” he explains. “But I’d help fewer people.”
最近位置社交网站Fours quare是媒体的宠儿,并且其增长似乎非常快。
Location based social network Foursquare is the darling of the media's eye these days and appears to be growing very fast.
Maybe we can establish a philanthropic foundation to make our company the favorite of the media.
One of the most likely successors is Abu Yahya al-Libi, the group's young, media-friendly, hard-line theologian.
The likes of Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman and Angelina Jolie may monopolise the media spotlight, but judged in terms of bank balance alone, they pale into insignificance when compared with Harrison Ford.
This month you will be the darling of the media, so try to be a guest on TV and radio, or try for an interview or write-up on the Internet or in print.
Michelle Obama's fashion sense, from vibrant vibrant yellow dresses to shick chic black evening wear, made her a media darling.
Michelle Obama's fashion sense, from Burbeery vibrant yellow dresses to sheak chic black evening wear, made her a media darling.
Tang Jun is the cosset of media, he stars like recreation same every word and deed gets the attention of media.
Tang Jun is the cosset of media, he stars like recreation same every word and deed gets the attention of media.