• 只是一支玩具不能子弹

    This is just a toy gunit doesn't shoot real bullets.


  • 警察发射了16子弹

    Two of the police fired 16 bullets each.


  • 子弹从汽车引擎盖挡风玻璃上弹走了。

    The bullets ricocheted off the hood and windshield.


  • 房屋带有子弹痕迹街道几乎被废弃了

    The houses bear the marks of bullet holes and the streets are practically deserted.


  • 有7士兵们发射橡皮子弹驱散人群受了伤

    Seven people were wounded when soldiers fired rubber bullets to disperse crowds.


  • 对于战地记者来说躲避狙击手子弹家常便饭。

    For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work.


  • 弹道测试表明,这些武器受害者体内取出子弹吻合

    Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims.


  • 坐在地板吓得浑身发抖,因为有一子弹射穿窗户打了进来。

    I was sitting on the floor shivering with fear because a bullet had been fired through a window.


  • 坐了位子送了。死的应该,那颗子弹是冲着我来的。

    He took my place and got killed. It should have been me—that bullet had my name on it.


  • 豌豆子弹一样

    And the peas were like bullets.


  • 害怕了眼睛子弹拼命地家伙扑去。

    I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet.


  • 十分害怕,所以闭上了眼睛子弹一样拼命地那个人。

    I was so frightened that closed my eyes and desperately threw myself at that guy like a bullet.


  • 他们出发时每人开了他们子弹呼啸而过,我们

    They fired a shot apiece as they started, but their bullets whizzed by and didn't do us any harm.


  • 子弹冬季两项的射击目标上取出回收防止污染地下水

    Bullets will be plucked from biathlon targets and recycled to keep the lead from poisoning ground water.


  • 现在,可能是重组废除全部提前退休费用有关,他们子弹射击

    Now, for reasons to do with reorganization and a desire to do away with all the expense of early retirement, they were shooting at him with bullets.


  • 警察人群头顶上方射出子弹

    Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd.


  • 幸好持枪歹徒把子弹偏了

    Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.


  • 子弹穿透了对面的

    A volley of bullets ripped into the facing wall.


  • 带着一支装了子弹

    He carried a loaded gun.


  • 三个小巴里子弹打死了。

    Three people were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.


  • 子弹呼啸而

    A volley of shots rang out.


  • 给枪重新装上子弹然后猎场看守人点了点头。

    He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper.


  • 科学家们使物质转化为能量爆破第一枚原子弹

    Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.


  • 3名非洲裔美国人小型公共汽车中胡乱射出子弹打死了。

    Three African-Americans were killed by shots fired at random from a minibus.


  • 皮诺乔子弹似地游了过去——越游越快。

    Pinocchio went through the water like a shotswifter and swifter.


  • 子弹列车东京日本其他主要城市之间提供快速平稳旅程

    The Bullet train offers a fast, smooth ride between Tokyo and other major cities in Japan.


  • 在军中义务时候,努尔米一支步枪、子弹一个背包参加了20公里行军。

    While serving a compulsory stint in the military, Nurmi entered a 20-k march carrying a rifle, a cartridge belt, and a knapsack.


  • 指头中,耶和华面前对着子弹

    He shall dip his finger into the blood and sprinkle it before the Lord seven times in front of the curtain.


  • 指头中,耶和华面前圣所子弹

    He is to dip his finger into the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the Lord, in front of the curtain of the sanctuary.


  • 开玩笑子弹射中胸腔时,因为自己共和党人没有善心而免遭一死

    He jokes that being Republican, and thus not having a heart, saved his life when he got shot in the chest once. But his main passion is illegal immigrants, whom he calls "invaders".


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