• 字体大小设置优先名单上的看法-预置画面中,调整字体大小列表显示文本

    Font size setting preference for list view - in the Preferences screen, you adjust the font size of the list view text.


  • 例如如果这个边栏一个内容区域字体大小设置90%,那么字体大小初始设置大小80%的90%。

    For example, if we chose to set a font size for a content area within this sidebar to be 90%, then this would be 90% of 80% of the initially set size.


  • 工作空间包含所有项目设置例如用于语法高亮显示颜色字体大小

    A workspace contains all your projects and Settings, such as the colors used for syntax highlighting, font size, etc.


  • 例如清单5显示我们如何设置容器字体大小

    For example, Listing 5 shows how we set the size of the font for the sidebar container.


  • 假设正文选择器中,字体大小属性设置1em

    It also assumes that in the body selector, the value of the font size property is set to 1em.


  • 事实上名字本身就表明通常用于存储用户特定的设置或者首选项字体大小或者窗口布局(当然可以其中存储任何想要存储的内容)。

    In fact, the name itself indicates this: a common use for it is to store user-specific Settings, or preferences, such as font size or window layout. (Of course, you can store anything you want in it.)


  • 常用实现技术设置初始字体大小然后样式表中任何其他字体大小使用百分数

    A common implementation technique is to set one initial font size, then use percentages for any other font sizes further down the stylesheet.


  • 大多数报表元素一样,我们可以改变文本外观支持本地化,同时也可以设置链接字体大小高亮属性

    As with most report elements, the text can be externalized for localization and supports such properties as hyperlinking, font sizing, and highlighting.


  • 早期标记语言使用格式化指令,它指定了较低级别的细节设置例如字体字体大小变化

    Early markup languages used formatting instructions that specified low-level details such as font and font size changes.


  • 开发人员通过使用CSS百分比em设置应用程序字体大小避免文本大小问题没有其他选择,也可以使用像素大小

    Developers: Avoid text size problems by using CSS to set the application's font size in either percentages or em unit values. As a last resort, use pixel sizes.


  • 这个lookandfeel所使用字体大小设置30(第5),图标放大初始大小的250%(第3行),基本颜色则设置黑色白色(第6第15行)。

    The font size for this look and feel is set to 30 (line 5), the ICONS are scaled to 250 percent of their original size (line 3), and the basic colors are set to black and white (lines 6 through 15).


  • 使多个浏览器中文本呈现字体大小相同一种方法使用样式(Cascading Style Sheets,CSS),设置字体可以使用百分比em

    One way of getting around the problem of making text the same size in multiple browsers is to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), with either percentages or em values for font sizing.


  • 图标”栏,字体设置为“Tahoma”,大小32字体大小8点击B"设置变为粗体。

    The Item is "Icon", the font is "Tahoma", size 32, the font size is 8 and lastly, the "B" is impressed (by clicking on it) to indicate it’s set to bold.


  • 所有设置可以转换几乎相同物理大小,即1024x758分辨率16px字体大小

    All translate to almost the same physical size as the font size of 16px at 1024x758. If your screen resolution is not in the table, use this equation to find out what font size you should use.


  • 现在已经设置到了200像素高度,显示文本非常,(大概基本字体大小的百分之250)而且显示了明亮的黄色

    Now the header is set to a height of 200 pixels, features text that is very large (about 250% of the base font size) and displays a bright yellow color.


  • 通用的方法整个文章设置字体大小然后那儿将每个部分字体以一个相关大小基础

    The more popular method is to set your font-size for the whole document, then, base everything on a relative size from there.


  • 设置页面用户可以选择并保存随机播放重复播放,还可以选择歌词字体大小高亮颜色

    In Settings page, you can choose shuffle or repeat play, you can choose font size and highlighted color of lyrics as well.


  • 一个lable控件可以修改控件背景颜色文字颜色,设置边框字体大小

    A lable control class, you can modify the control background color, text color, border, and font size Settings.


  • 可以将文本设置任何大小但是文章内容字体大小,会一个主意

    You can set it to any size, but something much smaller than your content's font size would be a good idea.


  • 下面的例子使用BASEFONT元素设置基础字体大小,而FONT元素用来临时覆盖设置

    This example USES the BASEFONT element to set the base font size, and the font element to temporarily override it.


  • 下面的例子使用BASEFONT元素设置基础字体大小,而FONT元素用来临时覆盖设置

    This example USES the BASEFONT element to set the base font size, and the font element to temporarily override it.


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