• 大多数知名学者这种观点

    This view is held by the generality of leading scholars.


  • 是个学者真正博学

    He is a scholar, a genuinely learned man.


  • 全国学者极为重视话题

    This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.


  • 位受敬重学者不能受怀疑。

    He was a respected academic and above suspicion.


  • 一个传统学者

    She doesn't fit (into) the traditional mould of an academic.


  • 这家图书馆吸引了数千学者研究人员

    The library attracts thousands of scholars and researchers.


  • 注意大部分学者那个暑期撰写论文

    I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.


  • 援引了几位赫赫有名的学者支持论点

    She invoked several eminent scholars to back up her argument.


  • 随后年中作为宪法学的权威学者而享有盛誉。

    Over the next few years he distinguished himself as a leading constitutional scholar.


  • 一种学者的风度,而且是个熟练掌握多国语言的人。

    He had a scholarly air and was an accomplished linguist.


  • 下列一项推翻学者推论

    Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the inference drawn by the scholars?


  • 他们学者一样人工智能有着顾虑。

    They share the same concerns about AI as academics.


  • 孕育许多杰出学者

    It gives birth to many eminent scholars.


  • 一主张也受到政治领袖学者的欢迎。

    The proposition appeals to political leaders and scholars as well.


  • 这种描述竟然契合大多数著名学者观点。

    This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars.


  • 今天学者对餐馆进行了大量有意义研究

    Today, scholars have generated large amounts of instructive research about restaurants.


  • 矛盾的是,最近学者无聊变得相当感兴趣

    Boredom has, paradoxically, become quite interesting to academics lately.


  • 委员会成员包括法律学者执业律师社会贤达。

    Its membership includes academics, practicing lawyers and prominent community members.


  • 事实上可能会重现学者能够辨认甚至破译原文程度

    In fact , it might reappear to the extent that scholars could make out and even decipher the original text.


  • 许多学者认为这种倾向来源于童年时期父母孩子过度溺爱

    It's a tendency which many scholars believe begins in childhood due to parents who overindulge their kids.


  • 例如进化心理学文学学者用来解释小说中的主题情节设计。

    For example, evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the themes and plot devices in fiction.


  • 如今例外学者作家激进分子再次警告技术正在取代工人

    Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activists once again warning that technology is replacing human workers.


  • 最近听说接受开放数据代码想法传统学者感到不适。”Ram说道

    "I've heard this recently that embracing the idea of open data and code makes traditional academics uncomfortable," says Ram.


  • 学者手枪发射只是空弹

    A starter's pistol fires only blanks.


  • 课程适合学者高阶学生

    The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.


  • 这本主要为初学者编写的。

    The book is aimed principally at beginners.


  • 学者们遇到困难就半途而废

    Amateurs fall by the wayside when the going gets tough.


  • 门课程学者高阶学生适合

    The course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.


  • 的确是个学者基本规则他应该懂啊

    Granted, he is a beginner, but he should know the basic rules.


  • 我们需要各种类型协助者,例如地质学者教师

    We need helpers of all types, e.g., geologists and teachers.


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