The spacecraft burned up as it entered the earth's atmosphere.
The spacecraft burned up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.
If a spacecraft travels faster than 11 km a second, it escapes the Earth's gravitational pull.
It takes a spaceship about eight months to reach Mars from the earth when the two planets are closest to each other.
People all over the country feel proud that all China's spacecraft have successfully returned to the earth.
In many—even most-space—themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster,the solution is always running away from the planet in spaceships.
These space craft have been prolific sources of data for earth scientist, but the new shots were chosen solely based on aesthetics.
For asteroids too big for a robot to handle, a large spacecraft could fly near the object to act as a gravity tractor that deflects the asteroid's trajectory, sending it toward Earth.
But Gog didn't listen; he wanted all Earth's money for the spaceship to Mars.
But no US astronaut has ever suffered the slow oxygen starvation and freeze that would doom a spacecraft lost beyond the Earth's orbit.
For asteroids too big for a robot to handle a large spacecraft could fly near the object to act as a gravity tractor that deflects the asteroid's trajectory sending it toward Earth.
His research for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a geophysicist helps launch spacecraft at the correct time and position to reach their exact destinations.
Such a view was recently beamed back by NASA's Mercury Surface, space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft.
This would follow the nasty blood-boiling bit if you found yourself in the shade (for example, if the earth, moon or your spacecraft is between you and the Sun).
Such fly-bys give spacecraft a whip-crack of extra speed【3】 on their tour through the solar system.
The escape velocity needed by a spacecraft to overcome the tug of Earth’s gravity is around seven miles per second—ie, Mach 34.
This is the first announcement of a candidate Earth-size planet by the Kepler mission, which in March 2009 launched a one-ton spacecraft to search for planets like ours that just might harbor life.
What you are seeing, most likely, is a spacecraft in low Earth orbit reflecting back sunlight as it circles the Earth once every 90 minutes or so.
That's where the Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging ( MESSENGER) spacecraft enters the picture.
That's where the Mercury Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft enters the picture.
NASA has not yet developed a rocket powerful enough to propel this spacecraft out of Earth's atmosphere.
On today's news, Tony has heard that scientists have (1) a spaceship to Mars and it has (2) on the (3) after a journey of several months from the earth.
The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour.
The shuttle was essentially a hugely expensive freight service, a sort of ups orbiting the Earth.
Lingling: I'm really interested in the space trip from the earth to Mars. It's so exciting! Has the spaceship landed yet?
More than three decades later, they have become the farthest man-made objects from Earth, reaching out in the darkness to overtake earlier missions to oblivion【1】.
Ten space ships constructed in orbit using 950 ferry flights to supply the building materials would make the 2-year voyage to the Red Planet.
The spaceship burned up when it re- entered the earth's atmosphere.
The spaceship burned up when it re- entered the earth's atmosphere.