• 传统安全非传统安全威胁相互交织国际安全领域不稳定不可测因素明显增加

    Traditional and non-traditional security threats are interlinked with each other. Unstable and unpredictable factors in the international security arena have seen an obvious rise.


  • 通过分析威胁数字图书馆网络安全主要因素提出了几点防范措施

    Through analyzing main factors threatening the network security of digital library, this paper puts forward some prevention measures.


  • 麻醉手术多种因素诱发哮喘发作导致支气管痉挛直接威胁手术病人生命安全

    Anesthesia in a variety of factors can trigger an asthma attack, resulting in bronchospasm, a direct threat to the safety of patients.


  • 对工程整体安全构成威胁因素渗流破坏主要原因之一

    The seepage damage is one of the main reasons, in many factors of threats to the overall security.


  • 存在主要安全自然因素包括瓦斯冒顶这些时时刻刻威胁矿山企业安全生产

    The main insecure natural factors include: water, fire, gas, coal dust, wall collapse and so on. All of these are threatening the production safety of colliery enterprise.


  • 这些因素俄罗斯经济能源安全构成威胁

    These factors present a threat to Russia's economy and energy resource security.


  • 当前国际形势总体保持稳定动荡因素特别是非传统安全威胁愈趋严重

    The current world situation remains stable generally, but destabilizing factors, especially unconventional security threats are getting more serious.


  • 食品质量安全许多因素威胁包括天然毒素

    The quality and safety of food may be threatened by a host of factors, including natural toxins.


  • 矿井水害影响威胁中国煤矿安全、高效生产主要因素之一

    Mine water disaster is one of the main factors which affects and threatens the safety and high-activity yield of coal mine in China.


  • DNS协议设计之初就没有考虑太多安全因素,协议本身所存在的脆弱性使得DNS面临着各种威胁

    At its inception, DNS was not designed to be a secure protocol. Because of its vulnerability, DNS faces many threats from a variety of aspects.


  • 我们主要讲述造成信息安全隐患威胁几种情况里面主要介绍了人为因素

    We mainly narrated have created the information security hidden danger and threat several kind of situations, inside this mainly introduced the human factor.


  • 空间辐射环境下深层充放电效应威胁航天器安全重要因素之一

    Deep dielectric charging and discharging effect is one of the key factors threatening satellites safety in space environment.


  • 本文网络安全表现特点,威胁网络安全因素安全管理对策

    This paper discusses manifestations of network unsafety, unsafe threatening factors, safe management and countermeasures.


  • 指出威胁图书馆网络安全主要因素提出了数字图书馆信息安全防范措施

    This paper points out the main factors threatening the network security of the library, and advances some precautions for the information security of digital library.


  • 企业信息系统安全构成威胁因素很多包括灾难系统安全问题、系统错误质量问题。

    There are many factors threatening the enterprises information systems, such as disasters, system security problems, system mistakes and quality problems.


  • 文中阐述中国当前网络信息安全面临严峻威胁分析危及网络信息安全主要因素提出构筑网络信息安全防线的具体措施。

    This paper describes some serious threats that our country is faced in current network information safety, then it analyzes the main factors put.


  • 中方将来是否划设南海防空识别区”取决于空中安全是否受到威胁威胁程度其他各方面因素

    Whether to set up a South China Sea ADIZ or not depends on whether China's airspace security is under threat or not, how severe the threat is, coupled with other factors.


  • 影响农产品质量安全因素复杂多样,其中农药不合理施用威胁农产品质量安全最主要因素之一。

    The factors influencing the quality and safety of agricultural products is complicated. Pesticide unreasonable application was the threat of the quality and safety of agricultural products.


  • 病毒不断滋生已经成为威胁企业安全重要因素因此建立完善反病毒体系对于企业安全运作来说就显得举足轻重

    The increasing virus has become the important fact which hangs over the security of most enterprises. So setting up a perfect virus defence system is holding the balance of a enterprise.


  • 桥梁结构使用过程中由于受到自然环境人为因素影响,逐渐发生老化损伤甚至坍塌破坏,这些病害对桥梁结构的运营安全构成极大威胁

    Because of the natural environment and artificial factors, the bridge performance in service can gradually deteriorate, damage and collapse, which will greatly affect the safety of the structures.


  • 本次论文研究中,首先了解网络安全问题主要威胁因素利用网络安全知识对安全问题进行剖析

    The research paper, I first learned about the major issues of network security threats and take advantage of network security knowledge to analyze the security issues.


  • 相反,同样在此时期,美军多次陷入了如何确保占领地安全安抚动乱下的社会帮助盟友防范国内威胁因素

    S. military has had repeated difficulty securing its conquests, stabilizing societies emerging from conflict, and helping to defend allies from internal threats.


  • 理性使用否决权安理会进步标志,表明安理会能力消除威胁和平与安全因素、挽救深陷困苦或濒临灭绝的生命。

    The 5 Permanent Members should concert together in advance of crisis, applying veto with high standard, which would be a major step forward, indicating the Security Council is indeed able tom.


  • 对于外部因素造成的环境威胁俄罗斯通过国际环境安全机制积极推动参与国际环境合作

    For the environmental threats, through international mechanisms, Russia actively promotes and participates in international environmental cooperation.


  • 空间辐射环境下聚合物绝缘材料深层充放电效应威胁航天器安全重要因素之一

    The deep dielectric charging effect in polymeric materials is one of the most important factors threatening the satellite's life in space environment.


  • 空间辐射环境下聚合物绝缘材料深层充放电效应威胁航天器安全重要因素之一

    The deep dielectric charging effect in polymeric materials is one of the most important factors threatening the satellite's life in space environment.


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