• 杰西没有安然无恙的逃脱肩关节断裂并且肺部受损。

    Jesse didn't escape completely unscathed he suffered a fractured shoulder socket and a collapsed lung.


  • 一百英里长安然无恙海岸线一个硝烟滚滚的污点

    The base was just a smudge on the untouched hundred-mile coast of Manila Bay.


  • 下面健康提示可以帮助安然无恙渡过今年流感季节哦。

    By following some of these health tips, maybe you can make it through the flu season unscathed.


  • 冷静点,现在就救护车不用担心男朋友安然无恙的

    Calm down. I'll call the ambulance right away. Don't worry, your boyfriend will be okay.


  • 在上面6个小时,直到确认狮子已经走远后才安然无恙的下来。

    He stayed there for six hours, just to make sure the lion had gone, and escaped without a scratch.


  • 在原来认为自己依旧安然无恙时候,突然出现了些传闻都是需要斯科尔斯负责任的站出来评论

    Just when he thought he was safe, along came a scandal, a talking point Scholes was obliged to comment on.


  • 心烦意乱是因为直到去年秋天他们才放弃经济危机只是西方国家问题俄罗斯的经济安然无恙想法。

    Upsetting because, as late as last autumn, they dismissed the economic crisis as a Western problem that would leave Russia unscathed.


  • 不料这个时候,却出现婴孩啼哭声。原来安然无恙婴儿,竟一直盖在床底之下在屋里别处发现头狼尸首,当然奋勇保护婴孩的格勒特咬的。

    He then hears the cries of the baby and finds it unharmed under the cradle, along with a dead Wolf which had attacked the child and been killed by Gelert.


  • “请承诺过的奖励吧”鹤龇着钢冷笑,“你知足,刚才把头放进只狼的嘴里并且安然无恙的出来已经最大的奖励了。”

    The Wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: “Be content. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you.”


  • 昨天伦敦发现了一个失踪男孩情况相符孩子安然无恙

    A child answering the description of the missing boy was found safe and well in London yesterday.


  • 会将安然无恙地送达目的地

    He gets you to your destination without turning the trip into a white-knuckle experience.


  • 尽管附近许多建筑物夷为平地京都附近的寺里宏伟五层宝塔安然无恙

    Yet it left the magnificent five-storey pagoda at the Toji temple in nearby Kyoto unscathed, though it levelled a number of buildings in the neighbourhood.


  • 我住的房子紧密的联系尽管如此你们可以毁坏的房子而安然无恙

    Look, I have a particularly close connection to the house I live in. But for all that, you can destroy my house without destroying me.


  • 亲属安然无恙福岛第一核电站灾难性毁又引发了新的担心,而发生30英里之外。

    My relatives are unharmed, but there are new fears of a catastrophic meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, just 30 miles away.


  • 如果一个歌手唱到一定音高那么频率相对应的酒杯共振,有时杯子吸收太多能量掉,但是其他的杯子却安然无恙

    If a singer hits a pitch that matches the frequency of one glass, the glass might absorb so much acoustic energy that it will shatter; the other glasses remain unaffected.


  • 地震发生时,种植苹果震落到地上,而葡萄则安然无恙

    Unlike the apples that the valley also produces, grapes were not shaken to the ground.


  • 尽管可以拍着胸脯大多数文件(相对地)安然无恙不妨从头尾地检查一番,上传那些漏网之鱼

    Although I can safely say that the majority of my files are (relatively) safe in the cloud, it never hurts to make a run through and upload those that got overlooked.


  • 他们认为,只要一家银行都是安全的,那么整个系统安然无恙

    The assumption was that if each institution was safe, then the system as a whole would be too.


  • 来自美国物理学会一些听众则提出异议认为柯克船长、斯波克企业号全体船员都会安然无恙因为企业号护盾

    Some audience members at the American Physical Society event protested that Kirk, Spock and the "Star Trek" crew would all still live because of the starship Enterprise having shields.


  • 画面捕捉到了一张带有信息皱皱巴巴的纸条,上面用记号潦草的写着:“我们下面安然无恙我们33个人是。”

    It returned to the surface with a scrap of paper carrying a message scrawled in red felt-tip pen: "We're alright in the shelter, the 33 of us."


  • 杯子画作投去,保护画作的防弹玻璃上摔得粉碎,画作却安然无恙

    She hurled it at the painting and it shattered against the protective bulletproof glass, leaving the masterpiece undamaged.


  • 一整天打电话确定我的朋友家人安然无恙包括市区工作兄弟表亲

    I spent the day on the phone, trying to make sure my friends and family were O.K., including my brother and Cousins who were working in the city.


  • 一整天打电话确定我的朋友家人安然无恙包括市区工作兄弟表亲

    I spent the day on the phone, trying to make sure my friends and family were O.K., including my brother and Cousins who were working in the city.


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