• 孩子终于安静下来时,:“现在告诉课上怎么样了。”

    When the child was quiet at last, she said, "Tell me now how your lessons are going."


  • 下来那些安静的时刻,陷入了沉思。

    In those following quiet moments I was lost in thought.


  • 和他在一起,都必须安静下来,才能听到他所听到的飞鸟和树木说话的声音。

    Every time I was with him, I'd have to be quiet to hear the flying birds and the talking trees he heard.


  • 身着睡衣安静着,这让想起一个冷静下来2男孩

    He sat quietly in his pajamas, reminding me of a 2 year old boy who was trying to calm down!


  • 这个寂静的时刻,其他杂音安静下来听到的正在对话。

    And in the stillness, when all other voices were silent, I heard His voice speaking to me.


  • 同伴可不这样想恐怖地跑回去下来,又安慰哀求直到了劲安静下来,决不是因为难过而懊悔的。

    Not so my companion: she ran back in terror, knelt down, and cried, and soothed, and entreated, till he grew quiet from lack of breath: by no means from compunction at distressing her.


  • 一次快速安静下来重复脑子里熟悉诗篇:保持平静告诉自己就是上帝

    I quickly tried once again to settle down, repeating the familiar verse in my mind. Be still and know that I am God.


  • 最近段繁忙生活中总是很难找到时间让自己安静下来

    With the hectic pace of life these days, it's hard to find a moment of peace.


  • 脑子没有明确目的地只是一直这样走直到找到一个安静地方下来写点东西。

    I didn't have a specific destination in mind, but wanted to walk a bit before finding a quiet place to write.


  • 一个安静地方下来,在脑子想想此话:如果无意或有意地伤害请求原谅

    Find a quiet spot to sit, and let these phrases go through your mind: If I have hurt or harmed you, knowing or unknowingly, I ask your forgiveness.


  • 如此辛苦工作奖赏人生总的所有日夜辛苦奋斗时,安静下来一个到位父亲

    The reward for working so hard was that for eight years in the middle of my life, when most people were working night and day, I was chilled out and was a completely present father.


  • 进入梦乡时,回忆起自己婴儿车的情景,孩子们很好奇,坐在婴儿车里行走在高低不平人行道上总是能让他们安静下来

    As I drifted into sleep, I remembered what it had been like to push my babies in their strollers, how cranky they often were, how the ride over rough pavement always soothed and settled them.


  • 当然并不知道一个什么样的节日,但是弥漫房子里香味令陶醉其中,花样繁多的美食也会让玛莎·华盛顿安静下来

    Of course I did not know what it was all about, but I enjoyed the pleasant odours that filled the house and the tidbits that were given to Martha Washington and me to keep us quiet.


  • 此时才能下来好好享受一下安静感觉了,已经许多没有这种孤独时分了,现在发现偶尔孤独也是一种享受

    At this point I can sit down and enjoy some sense of quiet, and has been for many years without such a lonely night, now only occasionally found in the enjoyment of solitude is a!


  • 紧张之余立刻安静下来,拿所能把握东西终于顺利完成拍摄任务

    Tension, I hurried down and quiet, with a grasp of the things I can finally shoot the successful completion of the task.


  • 安静时候喜欢各种音乐单簧管把曲子吹出来,那美妙的音乐紧张生活放松下来

    I like to listen to various types of music in quiet times and try to play the tune by my clarinet. The melodious music lets me cool it from a hectic life.


  • 悲愤渐渐地安静下来胸怀接受不能改变事情然后激励自己用勇气改变可以改变的事情。

    It makes me from the bitterness of gradually quiet down, with the mind to accept things which can not be changed, and then motivate themselves with the courage to change can change things.


  • 是不是该安静走开,还是勇敢下来明白

    How can I DO ?Be qucite leave or courageous in here waiting for him, understand I LOVE HIM!


  • 然后让他们安静下来每个人都标有自己名字的椅子上

    After we jump around and sing together I hush everyone up and get everyone seated in his or her little chair with nametag.


  • 第一走进食堂所有人都开始安静下来转头看着,”,“不得不告知自己,没什么可能的。”

    "On the first day, I walked into the canteen and everyone went completely silent and turned to look at me," she said. "I had to say to myself, 'It's okay, you can do this."


  • 这个产品确实能让他们安静下来,一般没有按照剂量服用那样会使他们昏昏欲睡的。

    I ordered it from the review that was written and it really does calm them down. I didn't use the full dose because it made her too sleepy.


  • 思维犹如友人水波摇曳时,很丢脸不过安静下来谜底明澈见底了。

    Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes arduous to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear.


  • 帕·德罗斯举手示意,让教室里的人安静下来。接着,他久久地注视着眼神询问是不是认真的,的眼神中得到了肯定。

    Papaderos held up his hand and stilled the room and looked at me for a long time, asking with his eyes if I was serious and seeing from my eyes that I was.


  • 您让安静下来,”说道嗓音没有改变透过讲究礼貌、关怀备至的腔调可以看出冷淡的、甚至是讥讽的意味。

    Relieve a friend's anxiety, " he said, with no change of his voice and tone, in which indifference, and even irony, was perceptible through the veil of courtesy and sympathy."


  • 变得兴奋时,没法平静下来可能需要三到四极度平静才能使恢复安静状态那种知道”的状态。

    When I become adrenalined up, I can't calm down and it may take 3-4 days of extreme calmness to get back to that quiet state that I know is 'me.


  • 变得兴奋时,没法平静下来可能需要三到四极度平静才能使恢复安静状态那种知道”的状态。

    When I become adrenalined up, I can't calm down and it may take 3-4 days of extreme calmness to get back to that quiet state that I know is 'me.


- 来自原声例句

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