• 完全竞争市场价格需求供给相互作用确定

    In perfect competition, the price in the market is set by the interaction of demand and supply.


  • 分析美国租金管制完全竞争市场住房业以及人们影响

    The paper analyses the effect of the Rent Control Policy in the United States on the competitive market, the residence and the people.


  • 这样企业完全竞争市场不能外部性内在化,配置资源效率低下

    In the competitive market, such enterprises can't make externality internality and have low effects in resources' distribution.


  • 电力市场完全竞争市场发电企业通过竞标策略追求最大收益

    Electricity spot markets are Imperfect competitive markets. Power generation firms always pursue maximum profits through bidding strategies.


  • 应用实物期权方法研究完全竞争市场环境供应链管理中的能力决策问题。

    This paper applies the real-option approach to study the capacity decision in supply chain management under perfect competitive markets.


  • 由于学校教育并非完全竞争市场,因此,就要根据学校教育的特性调控教育的运行

    As schooling is not in a pure competitive market, we must regulate and control schooling operation according to its features.


  • 市场中的“厂商”、“产品”、价格要素来看,我国目前审计市场显示完全竞争市场

    The auditing market in China is a perfect competition market now, judging from the market factor such as suppliers, products, price and so on.


  • 分析框架中实际上隐含着成本不变假说完全竞争市场中的企业垄断市场中的企业成本相同的。

    In its analytic frame, implicit cost is actually fixed hypothesis, compete completely namely the cost of the enterprise in the enterprise in the market and hold the market it is identical.


  • 存在足够网络外部性强度时,均衡结果完全竞争市场情形相同,厂商不能通过差异化定位获取超额利润

    When the intensity of network externality is large enough, equilibrium results will be the same as the case of perfect competition, firms can not reap super profits by differential positioning.


  • 二十世纪60年代,彼得·戴蒙德MIT读研时候,花了很多时间来学习优雅的、当时风靡一时完全竞争市场模型

    When Peter Diamond was a graduate student at MIT in the early 1960s, he spent much of his time studying the elegant new models of perfectly functioning markets that were all the rage in those days.


  • Zoho可以被认为市场竞争功能完全网络办公套件

    Zoho is arguably the most complete and full-featured Web Office suite on the market.


  • Market价格竞争力,完全市场价格,不是按照房间送餐服务的价格。Market的服务不仅触手及,而且价格公道

    With competitive pricing based on local markets rather than room service, market will not only be accessible, but affordable.


  • 他们生产产品富士康完全不同但是必须与富士康竞争越来越年轻工人市场

    They might make very different products to Foxconn, but they compete with them for a shrinking pool of young workers.


  • 市场结构例如完全竞争垄断也被考察对于行为经济效率影响

    Market structures, such as perfect competition and monopoly, are examined as to implications for behavior and economic efficiency.


  • 房地产市场一个重要性质就是竞争的不完全性和垄断力量存在

    The existence of monopoly power is one of the most important characteristics of the real estate market.


  • 传统新古典经济理论认为工资厂商工人边际产品回报完全竞争市场同质工人获取同样工资

    The traditional neo-classical economic theory considers that wages are the reward for marginal product. In the perfectly competitive market, homogeneity of workers implies the same wage for all.


  • 第四是对模型进行拓展一个尝试考察完全竞争均衡市场中的情形,并且比较古典增长模型的异同。

    The Fourth Part is an attempt to develop the model. In this part I inspect the complete competition equilibrium market, and compare the model with the Neoclassic Growth Model.


  • 中国劳动力市场完全竞争的基础上具有一些特质,因而工资粘性很强并且形成的微观原因特殊

    The labor market in China not only is imperfect competition, but also has some other features, so the wage stickiness is strong and the micro-cause is very special.


  • 为此必要完全竞争垄断寡头三种市场情形时,有差异税率条件税收归宿问题进行研究。

    Therefore, there is a need to analyze tax burden under differentiated tax rate under three market conditions, namely perfect competition, monopoly and oligopoly.


  • 实现帕累托最优基本条件完全竞争市场机制

    The basic prerequisite for Pareto Principle is completed marketing system.


  • 针对完全竞争市场,考察融入信息更新情形下单周期产品两阶段销售渠道协调问题

    According to the perfect competitive market, we consider the channel coordination question under the information updating and the marketing mode of single-cycle and two-period selling.


  • 完全竞争影子价格等于机会成本市场价格充分条件。

    In a perfectly competitive market, the shadow price of resource is also its opportunity and its market price.


  • 市场竞争使企业生产完全面向客户,即以最低成本制造出顾客满意的产品,顾客需要的时候送到客户手中。

    With the growing competition of the world market, we have to make the best productions satisfy the customers with the lowest cost, and send them to customers in time.


  • 针对完全竞争市场,考察随机需求下单周期产品两阶段销售渠道协调问题

    According to the perfect competitive market, we consider the channel coordination question under the uncertain demand and the marketing mode of single-cycle and two-period selling.


  • 本文市场结构角度出发分析完全竞争市场结构拥有市场势力的企业决策怎样影响到汇率的变动产品的出口

    So, this paper departs from the market structure, analyses how the decision of firms which hold market force affects the change of exchange rate and export in the incomplete market structure.


  • 独立、自主市场主体完全充分平等市场竞争,以及超经济的行政权力退出市场分配领域,市场分配得以建立、健全的基本条件。

    Independent subject, complete, full and fair competition and retreat of government the super-economic power are the prerequisite to perfect market system.


  • 独立、自主市场主体完全充分平等市场竞争,以及超经济的行政权力退出市场分配领域,市场分配得以建立、健全的基本条件。

    Independent subject, complete, full and fair competition and retreat of government the super-economic power are the prerequisite to perfect market system.


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