One of Kenya's leading churchmen has called on the government to resign.
She said she hoped that her conclusions would spark "a robust debate", since her finds are not only new, but would also touch the hearts of many religious people.
Many of the world's most powerful political, business, religious, and cultural leaders will attend this year's world Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The attention of the inhabitants was not so distracted by local celebrities in the dramatic, artistic, social, and religious fields as to shut the well-positioned man from view.
Unfortunately, rather than avoiding the whole religion vs. science thing, Hawking has decided to open a can of worms reigniting an age-old debate that would make Richard Dawkins proud.
The Empire State's 204-foot mooring mast for passenger dirigibles, which never actually docked there, represented the mercantile equivalent of Trinity's steeple.
The Empire State's 204-foot mooring mast for passenger dirigibles, which never actually docked there, represented the mercantile equivalent of Trinity's steeple.