• STUDIO可调式推车可以方便挂在任何推车的扶手处。同时包包可以作为优雅的手提包,让您度过个美好的宝宝喂养时期。

    STUDIO's adjustable stroller straps attach neatly and conveniently to the handlebars of any stroller. Unclip, and STUDIO converts back into a tote that will look chic well past babyhood.


  • 降低婴儿猝死综合症机率母亲以母乳喂养她们的宝宝

    Mothers wanting to minimize the risk of cot death should breastfeed their babies.


  • 理团队每隔几天就会把他和他的妹妹调换一次,这样,当一个宝宝被奶瓶喂养时,另一个宝宝就和妈妈在一起了——她从来没有怀疑过。

    The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mum—she never suspects.


  • 如果正在母乳喂养宝宝那么请等到一个以后再使用奶嘴,确保良好的母乳喂养模式。

    If you're nursing your baby, wait until he's a month old to give him a pacifier, to make sure breastfeeding is well established.


  • 可以牛乳配方喂养宝宝,一天再用水解蛋白配方。 宝宝食用牛乳配方后产生腻感食用水解蛋白配方的日子里拒绝吃饭。

    I could give the same baby cow-milk formula one day and protein hydrolysate formula on the other, and that baby will satiate sooner and consume less formula on the protein hydrolysate day.


  • 但是研究者即便配方奶喂养宝宝睡得时间长一些,他们的妈妈不然

    But even if bottle-fed babies are sleeping longer, their moms are not, say the researchers.


  • 蒙哥马利-当斯说,“如果母乳喂养宝宝醒来的次数确实一些他们妈妈不是这样,一定是什么原因导致了这种结果。”

    "If it's true that breast-feeding infants wake up more often but their mothers don't, there has to be something going on," says Montgomery-Downs.


  • 如果艾滋病毒应该母乳喂养宝宝因为病毒可以通过母乳

    If you have the HIV virus, you should not breastfeed your baby because the virus can be transmitted through breast milk.


  • 如果选择母乳喂养非常重要的是,您采取宝宝他们检查身体需要

    If you choose to breastfeed, it is very important that you take your baby for their check-ups as needed.


  • 前往宝宝所在医院已经有人帮助学习如何进行母乳喂养

    When I went and had my baby at the hospital I had somebody helping me learn how to breastfeed.


  • 作为名婴儿喂养哺乳方面专家,我经常问到如何恰当地喂一名母乳宝宝

    Often, as infant feeding specialists, lactation consultants and other experts in the field of human lactation are asked how to properly bottle-feed a baby.


  • 正好也可以利用这段时间思考将来如何喂养宝宝记住母乳喂养最好的

    It's also time to think about how you'll feed your baby. Remember, breast-feeding is best!


  • 喂养一个宝宝就够艰难的了,想象一下你九个熊猫崽喂奶的情景。

    It's tough enough trying to feed one baby but imagine having to give nine panda cubs their bottles.


  • 我们来加入举手行动”,保护促进支持母乳喂养,使携带艾滋病病毒女性她们宝宝能拥有最佳健康状况

    Let's all join hands to protect, promote and support breastfeeding for the best health outcomes for women living with HIV and their babies!


  • 需要指出的是,喂养宝宝遇到任何困难时,一名哺乳咨询师能够提供最好的帮助,他们能根据具体情况评估恰当喂养方式

    Note that when working through any feeding difficulties with an infant, a lactation consultant is an excellent resource for evaluating methods for their appropriateness to the specific situation.


  • 维生素D母乳喂养的,健康足月宝宝出生个月晒太阳时间足够,就不会有维生素D缺乏症佝偻病风险

    Vitamin D Exclusively breastfed healthy, full-term infants from birth to six months who have adequate exposure to sunlight are not at risk for developing vitamin D deficiency or rickets.


  • 奶粉喂养宝宝火大,建议在两奶粉之间点水

    Formula-fed baby, I suggest you fed powdered milk in the two-point between the multi-fed water!


  • 不论是直接还是吸出来再喂,母乳喂养宝宝还有其他方面好处随着流动,您会感觉到涌动有助于增进亲子关系

    Providing your milk, either directly at the breast or by pumping, benefits you and your baby in other ways. The loving bond you feel as the milk flows is good for your relationship.


  • 干燥喂养器具整顿好易于放置,能让宝宝器具摆放整洁,干燥有序

    A drying rack that keeps your feeding accessories off the counter and folds flat for easy storage - if only your child could be as neat, dry and organized.


  • 研究人员得出结论认为,原有的公益广告内容并没有那些选择配方奶粉喂养宝宝妇女感到内疚

    Researchers concluded that the proposed ad campaign didn't make women who had chosen to formula-feed their babies feel guilty;


  • 研究证明母乳喂养6个月以上宝宝更加健康

    Babies raised for more than 6 months with breast milk are proven to be more healthy.


  • 母乳喂养宝宝应该补充维他命氟化物吗?

    Should My Breastfed Baby Be Receiving Vitamin or Fluoride Supplements?


  • 似乎显而易见的,然而五个月大宝宝晚上醒着喂养两次可以成为一个关注的原因。

    This one may seem obvious, yet when a 5-month-old baby is waking at night for a feeding or two, it could become a cause for concern.


  • 有时候妈妈们会某一意外情形比如缺乏其他食物或与宝宝分离重聚恢复母乳喂养

    Sometimes a mother decides to resume breastfeeding, whether due to an emergency when there is a shortage of other food, after a separation, etc.


  • 应该注重副食喂养,让宝宝慢慢减少母乳喂养

    You should pay attention to non-staple food of the feeding, the child slowly to reduce the breast-feeding.


  • 这时,因为夜奶的确可能造成龋齿父母应该考虑帮宝宝戒断夜奶,但白天的母乳喂养则可以继续,无论多久

    Because there may be a slightly increased risk from night-nursing, the parents may need to wean the baby from night-nursing (and by all means, continue during the day as long as you wish).


  • 这时,因为夜奶的确可能造成龋齿父母应该考虑帮宝宝戒断夜奶,但白天的母乳喂养则可以继续,无论多久

    Because there may be a slightly increased risk from night-nursing, the parents may need to wean the baby from night-nursing (and by all means, continue during the day as long as you wish).


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