• 会计规范研究源于经济学划分实证经济学规范经济学

    The study of accounting norms derives from empirical economics and normative economics, a division of economics.


  • 因而认为排斥任何价值判断实证经济学核心

    So it is considered to be the exclusion of any value judgments, is the core of positive economics.


  • 本文试图探讨实证经济学逻辑结构——假设推理结论

    This paper attempts to discuss the logical structure of positive economics, which consists of assumption, deduction and conclusion.


  • 正如诺贝尔委员会评语所说,“劳伦斯莱茵这样具有众多的追随者实证经济学领域影响远大科学家实属凤毛麟角。”

    As noted by the Nobel committee, "few, if any, research workers in the empirical field of Economics, have had so many successors and such a large impact as Lawrence Klein".


  • 博弈论经济学著作获得2005年诺贝尔耶路撒冷希伯来大学学者RobertAumann表示,事模拟软件应用于拍卖尤其成功

    Modelling auctions has proved especially successful, says Robert Aumann, an academic at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who received a Nobel prize in 2005 for his work in game-theory economics.


  • 经济学实证导向使用统计计量分析工具测试经济数据理论预测

    Economics is empirically oriented: it USES the tools of statistical and econometric analysis to test theoretical predictions against economic data.


  • 本文国外交易成本经济学这些领域实证研究作了简要回顾希望能够我们研究提供参考

    This paper briefly reviews the empirical research of abroad transaction cost economics in these areas, and hopes to provide a reference for our study.


  • 本文在经济学视角下学校效率研究领域内最近几年的实证研究进行了归纳与综述。

    In the view of economics, the article summarized the latest empirical studies in the field of school efficiency.


  • 然后运用计量经济学有关工具实证检验了纽约商业期货交易所天然气期货市场基本功能其他的衍生功能。

    Then using some econometrics tools and through some concrete evidence, the author tested the basic functions and derivative functions of futures market of natural gas in New York Mercantile Exchange.


  • 以往分析企业规模理论方法主要是以产业组织经济学交易成本理论为依托的理论研究实证研究。

    There were theoretical and empirical studies based on industrial organization economics, transaction cost theory, etc. in analysis of the theory and method of the scale of the firm in the past.


  • 关于外资流入外贸扩张之间互动关系经济学研究本文主旨在于综述。且按照规范研究与实证研究方法之分野,分别进行

    This paper summarizes the economic research on the interaction between FDI and the expansion of foreign trade with normative and positive methods respectively.


  • 本文利用混沌经济学向量回归(VAR)方法,实证分析我国通货紧缩成因发展趋势

    In this paper, chaotic economics theory and VAR (vector autoregression) are put forward to analyze the causes and trends of deflation in China.


  • 经济学方法出路应该归纳演绎证实证伪逻辑历史实证规范辩证统一

    The scientific methodology of the economics should be dialectical union of induction and deduction, verification and falsification, logic and history, positivism and norm.


  • 本文总结了迄今为止日本教育经济学实证研究成果,探讨了今后需要进一步研究的课题。

    This study has tried to make a comprehensive review of the development of education economics in Japan, by focusing on quantitative analyses.


  • 本文通过选取1989—2005年相关数据运用计量经济学方法实证研究了外资银行进入我国银行业产业绩效影响

    Based on the related data from 1989 to 2005, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the impact of foreign Banks entry into Chinese banking by the econometrical method.


  • 经济学实证研究表明城市化引起能源需求增加主要原因,中国情形不是特例

    An Empirical Study of Economics showed that the urbanization is causing major increase in energy demand, China's situation is not the case.


  • 本文运用了管理学社会保障学、经济学相关理论,采用比较分析方法实证分析方法进行论述。

    The management, social security, economics and other related theory are referred to in this paper and research methodology is comparative analysis methods and empirical analysis methods.


  • 但是主义应用于经济学认识论存在着证伪证实抽象与具体,目标与手段,规范实证方面的难题

    However, when applying to economics epistemology, falsificationism has difficulties in falsification and verification, abstract and concrete, goals and means, formulations and demonstrations.


  • 本文综合利用博弈论模糊决策理论微观经济学理论方法,对江汉平原水污染治理进行了尝试性的理论研究和实证分析。

    By employing game theory, fuzzy decision theory, microeconomics theory, this paper tentatively studies the theory and the empiric example of regulation on water pollution in JiangHan Plain.


  • 本文运用计量经济学方法进行实证分析,以此金融系统资金运作效率作出评价

    This paper uses econometric method and empirical analysis to evaluate financial system's efficiency in fund application.


  • 利用面板数据单位检验整检验计量经济学方法,实证分析宏观经济指标财产保险业务规模和赔付水平区域差异性影响

    The paper made empirical analysis on the influence of macroeconomic index on the regional difference based on panel data′s unit root test, cointegration test, etc.


  • 但是一直以来作为实证方法相对应的规范方法经济学研究中都未得到应有的肯定与重视

    However, the normative method, which plays a equal part in economics studying, has long been neglected.


  • 本文应用现代时间序列计量经济学技术,结合中国1979-2000年间有关数据进行效应中国的实证研究。经验证据表明在一时期同时存在长期和短期费雪效应。

    This paper makes an empirical research on the Fisher effect in China by means of the moden time series techniques plus the relevant statistics from China over the years from 1979 to 2000.


  • 运用动态计量经济学单位检验模型分析模型、因果关系检验模型,桂林市为例,对国际旅游业地方经济增长之间的动态关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper uses unit root test model, co-integration test model and Granger Causal test model, to analyze the relation between international tourism and economic growth of Guilin.


  • 理论分析基础上文中运用大量统计学计量经济学主要工具实证研究方法。

    This thesis has utilized the massive statistics and econometrics methods as the main tool of real diagnostic research technique on the basis of theoretical analysis.


  • 主要研究教学领域:资产定价实证金融计量经济学方法,金融衍生产品市场

    Research and teaching: Asset Pricing, Empirical Finance, Econometric Methods, and Derivative Markets.


  • 运用计量经济学方法,对我国财政收支经济增长中的有关问题进行实证分析。

    The problems about the growth of our financial income and expenses and economic growth are analyzed with the method of econometric .


  • 运用计量经济学方法,对我国财政收支经济增长中的有关问题进行实证分析。

    The problems about the growth of our financial income and expenses and economic growth are analyzed with the method of econometric .


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