Compared with the advanced international and domestic levels, laboratory animal science has not been considerably developed in Zhejiang province.
Laboratory animal science is an important branch of the life science, including laboratory animal and animal experiment.
Scientific experiments have demonstrated incredible ways to kill a guinea pig, a small furry animal.
The University of Tennessee's Walters Life Sciences building, is a model animal facility, spotlessly clean, careful in obtaining prior approval for experiments from an animal care committee.
Four UK enquiries have in recent years all concluded that animal testing gives scientifically important results that could not be obtained otherwise.
This practice condemns others who have the same idea to waste time, money and animals’ lives in duplicating the failed experiment.
If laboratory animals are properly looked after, differences in experimental results are more likely to be down to the science than to the guinea-pigs' health.
Experiments with new instruments and electronic solid state sensors are being used now to determine animal response to impending catastrophic occurrences.
Some 12m animals are used in scientific procedures each year in Europe. Most are mice and rats.
The animal tests pave the way for clinical trials in humans, which scientists hope to begin in the US and Switzerland within five years.
British scientists begin a new study on Tuesday to consider how human DNA is used in animal experiments and to determine what the boundaries of such controversial science might be.
Mice in this case are the first line of experimentation — the scientists hope to then expand the research out into other animals that can produce milk in bulk, like goats and cows.
A cautionary tale set in the world of modern genetics, it stars Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as a pair of scientists who play dangerous games with human and animal DNA.
作为了解新皮层关键一步,马克莱姆目前的工作正是构建一个人类大脑的模型。 毕竟,科学家们不能永远使用动物实验的方法来研究人类的大脑。
Markram is working to develop a model of the human brain because it is a key step to our understanding of the neo-cortex, and scientists cannot continue doing animal experimentation forever.
Animal testing is expensive and can be of dubious value, and scientists would prefer cheaper and more reliable alternatives.
Scientists presenting at the Society for Experimental Biology annual conference in Glasgow recorded the bug and analyzed its volume compared to various other loud animals.
In an unrelated recent experiment with insect body sizes, scientists discovered that a more oxygen-rich atmosphere supports super-giant insects, so this could be the case with giant mammals too.
According to the analysis by scientists from Oxford University and Amsterdam University, lab-grown tissue would reduce greenhouse gases by up to 96% in comparison to raising animals.
Scientists at Sandia have taken this same approach and started to adapt it to create a synthetic, biomimetic material that will share the animals' ability to colour-shift.
They may also give scientists a new way to study brain disorders and neurodegenerative diseases without having to experiment on animals.
Because evidence sent to the lab rarely contains easily recognizable parts, much less a whole animal, the scientists must work to identify species from limited fragments.
FOR a national of pet-lovers, the British are surprisingly relaxed about the vast numbers of animal experiments that are conducted by its scientists.
Scientists at laboratories around the world are currently working to make meat in labs that will eventually look and taste like the real thing, without any animal parts.
By blocking the blocker-to football fans, adding an extra guard to your offensive line-the scientists got nitric oxide to open blood vessels again and increase blood flow, at least in lab animals.
Scientists prefer to work with the offspring of animals raised in laboratories because knowledge of the creatures’ complete medical history makes them more dependable.
通过阻塞这个障碍物 (对球迷来说,就是在你的进攻线上增加一个额外的防守),科学家们用一氧化氮重新疏通了血管,并促进了血液流动。至少在实验室动物身上是如此。
By blocking the blocker—to football fans, adding an extra guard toyour offensive line—the scientists got nitric oxide to open blood vessels againand increase blood flow, at least in lab animals.
Human scientific research, in which animals are subjected to various experiments should be also condemned.
Human scientific research, in which animals are subjected to various experiments should be also condemned.