There are a plurality of reason that the obstacles of public trial exist for a long time.
To understand the principle of open trial, we should examine from its general requirement and fundamental content.
Let the judicial system be more transparent. Record and keep all court files. Strictly regulate procedures of sentence commuting, parole and medical parole.
There are many problems not only in the supervision by media but also in the judicial organs in subjecting themselves to the supervision.
The value of open trial is that it create the condition of social supervision and make contribution to the justice of trial procedure and judgment.
Public verdict and open hearing are the two main basic systems that constitute open trial system. However, few researches and relevant rules and regulations have been made to public verdict.
These criminal cases have natural appeal to the media, however, media is a "double-edged sword", and it probably exerts influence on the conviction and sentence.
It is far more likely that some sort of amicable settlement would be reached if the recalcitrant son or daughter knows that the alternative is a public trial.
Firms often pay off disgruntled accusers rather than go to court, since juries are unpredictable, damages can be steep and the publicity of a trial is always unwelcome.
Medieval trials were public affairs, as were the punishments - though the judicial torture stage (a crucial part of the investigation) was often done in seclusion.
No television cameras or radio microphones were allowed in the courtroom during the proceedings and most of the trial took place behind closed doors.
Hundreds were arrested and dozens convicted in show trials before a military court.
In fact, the conflict between the public right to know and the system of open trial shows the game between the public interests and the private benefits in essence.
The secrecy of the grand jury proceedings is considered necessary to protect the integrity of the testimony and theevidence which may be brought forward later in a public trial.
And we explain why they felt there was a need to include a law that guaranteed a person the right to a fair and public trial if that person was charged with a crime.
Many basic elements of modem litigation system could be found from judicial duel, such as adversary system, equality of arms, open, oral, direct, and concentrated trial etc.
The meanings of the public trial contain substantial meaning and formal one.
In China, the society participation principle should be developed in the aspects of jury system, defense system, open trial, etc.
It is expected that lawyers, prosecutors, the accused and victims will be able to take part in public hearing in future to avoid any wrongful executions.
Due to the high level of secrecy of the Saudi Arabian justice system, trials are invariably held behind closed doors.
The duties of public trial specified shall be strictly performed, so as to guarantee the right of parties in participating in the trials, and being informed of the information of the trials.
在威胁和压力之下,我们奉命保持沉默。惧于军法审判的后果,我们从未公开谈论过此事。 (陈述结束)怎么样?
The coercion, pressure being brought to bear - we were ordered to keep silent, to never speak of this publicly upon fear of court martial. (Ends Statement) How's that?
凡受刑事控诉嫌疑者,有 未经获得辩护上所需的一切保证 的公开审判而依法证实有罪以前,有权被视为无罪。
Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
So when the fourth trial began, the judge, prosecution, and the defense attorney all agreed that the courtroom should be closed to both spectators and the press.
So when the fourth trial began, the judge, prosecution, and the defense attorney all agreed that the courtroom should be closed to both spectators and the press.