• 加强检察机关法院审判程序监督

    Strengthening the supervisor of the office of procuratorial work for court adjudication program;


  • 第二编审判程序第十六审判监督程序

    Chapter XVI Procedure for Trial supervision.


  • 我国死刑案件审判程序正当化方面存在诸多缺陷。

    However, there are many flaws in the trial procedure legalization of the death penalty in our country.


  • 因此需要改进完善现行的民事司法赔偿审判程序

    Therefore, the state civil judicial redress procedure should be promoted and perfected.


  • 审判程序规范十分发达并且出现弱势群体特别救济

    Moreover, the civil trial procedure was normative and developed, with the emergence of some special legal aid to disadvantageous groups.


  • 该案10月进入审判程序,而与此同时微软也在积极争取商标

    The case is set to go to trial in October. Microsoft Corp. is also challenging the trademark.


  • 认罪处刑程序普通审判程序前置程序也是正式审理程序

    Procedure of pleading guilty and sentencing is the pre-procedure of general trial procedure, but also is formal trial procedure.


  • 同时如何保证认罪案件审判程序公正性也是各国重视问题

    Simultaneously, how to guarantee the justice of the processing of cases with guilty plea is also the issue to which every country should attach importance.


  • 主要内容具体如下一部分着重介绍审判程序违法发回重审原理

    The main contents are as follows:The first part focuses on the trial process, introduced by the principle of remanding illegal trial procedures.


  • 昨天审判长罗迪翁•基列耶夫指责连续扰乱审判程序,随后被无限期拘留

    She was taken into custody for an unspecified period yesterday after the presiding judge, Rodion Kireyev, accused her of systematically disrupting the trial’s proceedings.


  • 保全制度民事诉讼中居于重要地位,其联结审判程序执行程序纽带。

    Preservation system plays an important role in civil litigation, and is the bond of trial procedures and the implementation procedures.


  • 律师清楚地知道,整个审判程序转播,的所作所为几乎电影演戏那样。

    Attorneys were well aware that the proceedings were being televised and almost behaved as if they were acting in a movie.


  • 通过我国认罪案件审判程序实证考察笔者分析优点存在的问题。

    By reviewing and surveying the processing of cases with guilty plea of the defendants in China, the author has analyzed its virtues and its problems.


  • 应当犯罪嫌疑人死亡、在逃或者丧失诉讼行为情况下设立特别审判程序

    It should also be the suspect who died at large or the loss of the proceedings of the case to set up a special trial proceedings.


  • 昨天审判长罗迪翁•基列耶夫指责连续扰乱审判程序,随后被无限期拘留

    She was taken into custody for an unspecified period yesterday after the presiding judge, Rodion Kireyev, accused her of systematically disrupting the trial's proceedings.


  • 但是在1月26之前审判程序不会正式启动,到时候还可能会持续几个星期

    Proceedings will not start until January 26th and may drag on for weeks.


  • 裁决认定法庭审判程序违反美国自己军事法律以及日内瓦国际战俘公约

    The judgment also declared that the trial procedures of the said court had violated the military laws of the United States and the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War.


  • 由于我国理论不充分立法技术不成熟,导致审判程序起诉程序在衔接一致。

    Because of the insufficient theory and the immature legislation skills in our country, there are no corresponding connection between the adjudgement and the prosecution program.


  • 计划中的五点,包含一系列针对司法系统变革——包括审判程序的变更——将引发极大的争议

    The fifth part of the programme, a set of changes to the justice system including major modifications to trial procedures, is highly controversial.


  • 其他简易程序上诉审简易程序缺席审判程序快速起诉程序起诉便宜等建立起来。

    Other summary procedure such as appellate summary procedure, procedure of trial by default, speed suit procedure, and prosecuting discretion are not established either.


  • 本文介绍认罪一些基本法律问题入手,引出了认罪案件审判程序一需重点阐述问题

    First, this article introduces the fundamental law problems about guilty plea, and then, draws from the core problem that the processing of cases with guilty plea.


  • 第三条凡一个审判程序参与本案审判工作的审判人员不得参与该案其他程序审判

    Article 3 any judicial officer who has participated in the trial of a case in any trial and adjudication procedure shall not participate in the trial of the same case in any other procedures.


  • 死刑案件第三程序权利审判程序基本要素也要相应地做出符合权利型运作规律要求

    The third instance of the death case is a right judicial procedure, its basic key element accords with right law demand of operation.


  • 文章认为,审判公开原则基本意义在于创造社会监督条件促进审判程序公正裁判结果公正。

    The value of open trial is that it create the condition of social supervision and make contribution to the justice of trial procedure and judgment.


  • 这种审判程序制度开始诉讼责任塑造问题提供证据在于几乎完全取决于各方争议

    In this system of trial procedure, the responsibility for beginning suit, for shaping the issues, and for producing evidence rests almost entirely upon the parties to the controversy.


  • 设立审判程序目的不仅仅在于发现案件真相在于对发生控辩双方之间争端做出一个权威结论。

    The purpose of regularizing the process of trail is not only to clarify the facts of a case, but also to issue an authoritative judgement over the debates between the offence and defense parties.


  • 如果说刑事审判程序刑事诉讼程序中心程序的话,那么刑事法庭调查程序就是刑事审判程序核心程序

    The courtroom investigation is doomed to be the center of criminal procedure, if we regard the criminal adjudication as the central part of criminal procedure.


  • 如果说刑事审判程序刑事诉讼程序中心程序的话,那么刑事法庭调查程序就是刑事审判程序核心程序

    The courtroom investigation is doomed to be the center of criminal procedure, if we regard the criminal adjudication as the central part of criminal procedure.


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