• 根据学号查询姓名班级家庭住址

    Such as check out their name, home address and other classes based on student number.           3.


  • 申请人2003年起在现在家庭住址居住

    Applicant: I have lived my current home address since 2003.


  • 身体可能撞击墙壁擦伤,以至于人们我留下家庭住址

    My body can be so bruised from hitting walls that people ask me about my home situation.


  • 我会朋友家庭住址大部分晚上联系上他。

    I'll give you my friend's home address, whom I can be reached most evenings.


  • 属性有关某个成员的信息(比如家庭住址、工作地址)。

    An attribute refers to a piece of information about a member (e.g., person home address, person work address etc.).


  • 检察官周一公布警察核实人名家庭住址其他随后公布。

    The prosecutors say those whose name, whose home addresses have been verified by police will be released on Monday, the others later.


  • 贺卡家庭住址如果认识那个公司老板的话,将商务贺卡寄到他家里面。

    Mail to home Address: Mail your business greeting card to the home if you know the small business owner.


  • 详细记录学员联系方式、学车时间家庭住址爱好个性需求信息

    It can record the information of students such as contact information, learning time, family address, hobby and individualized demand in details.


  • 按照书信要求,一封寄给国外朋友的信写上你自己家庭住址日期

    Write your home address and the date in the way they would appear in a letter to a friend who lives abroad.


  • 如果录取通知书的地址不是家庭住址的话需要证明家庭住址文件

    If that's not the case with you, you need to produce a document to confirm your home address.


  • 2009年,国际刑警组织发出头号通辑令,上面竟然还有家庭住址

    An Interpol most-wanted notice for him in 2009 actually listed his home address.


  • 然后,他们搜索王菲家庭住址其它私人资料而且现实生活继续这种骚扰

    Then they traced Wang Fei's home address and other private information, and continued the harassment in real life.


  • 参赛鸽友必须提供详细家庭住址电话联系方法,以便我们及时提供信息服务

    All participation pigeon fanciers must provide detailed contact modes like home address and telephone, etc, so that we can offer you information and service in time.


  • 需要一张基本表单收集id字段(名字授权家庭住址出生日期头发颜色眼睛颜色)。

    We need a basic form to collect the fields for the ID card (Name, Authorization, Home, Birth date, Hair and Eye color).


  • 提醒一般情况下简历中不要过于详细填写本人具体信息尤其是家庭住址身份证号

    Reminder: under normal circumstances, the resume should not be too detailed to fill out my specific information, especially home address, ID number, etc...


  • 一些人们珍视东西比如高尚职业最好教育或者独一无二家庭住址——都是奢侈生活的必需品

    Many of the things people most prize - such as the top jobs, the best education, or an exclusive home address-are luxuries by necessity.


  • 家庭住址表示方法。父母经七路 68 号,济南市一中高二年级的学生

    I am living with my parents at No. 68 Jingqi Road and I am a student of Senior 2 at Jinan No. 1 middle school.


  • 一个张高清照片网上广泛传播,网名已经打听到名字、他的前雇主名字他的家庭住址

    A month later, the high-definition picture had been widely disseminated online, and Internet users had learned his name, the name of his former employer and his home address.


  • 他们提供个人信息覆盖人口普查中的一些细节信息可以让博物馆清楚来客身份以及家庭住址

    The personal information they provide is overlaid with details from the census, allowing the museum to work out who their visitors are and exactly where they come from.


  • 通过iTunes可以下载软件Podcast视频音乐,很多用户的信用卡家庭住址信息也上面。

    It knows precisely which apps, podcasts, videos, and songspeople download from iTunes; in many cases it has detailed customerinformation such as credit-card numbers and home addresses.


  • 书面申请必须写清每个家庭成员年龄户主关系身体状况工作单位收入家庭住址住房情况

    Written application must be the age of each family member, and the relationship between the head of household, health, work, income, home address and the housing situation.


  • 假如办公室照了一张照片,照片里会商业名片、写家庭住址信封还有一些背景可以找到的敏感信息

    Let's say you take a picture at your office that has a business card or envelope with your home address or some kind of sensitive information visible in the background.


  • 数据显示47网友发帖谴责马蓉出轨,称破坏了家庭一些网友甚至还将她的家庭住址在网上公开

    Statistics by Weibo showed that 47 of netizens' posts condemned Ma for her affair, saying it had shattered her family. Some have even published her home address online.


  • 场景中XMLstage输入XML文件过滤家庭住址然后整个员工信息映射单一输出顺序文件。

    In this scenario, the XML stage filters out only the home address from the input XML file, then maps the entire employee information to a single output sequential file.


  • 随后科学家拆除“新家”,让不同年龄蜜蜂三个家庭住址”里选择里面就有它们的“老家”地址

    The scientists then disassembled the bees new home and forced groups of mixed-age bees to choose between three alternative nest locations, including the former nest box.


  • 数据显示,47%网友发帖谴责马蓉出轨,称破坏了家庭。一些网友甚至还将她的家庭住址在网上公开

    Statistics by Weibo showed that 47% of netizens' postscondemned Ma for her affair, saying it had shattered her family. Some have evenpublished her home address online.


  • 数据显示,47%网友发帖谴责马蓉出轨,称破坏了家庭一些网友甚至还将她的家庭住址在网上公开

    Statistics by Weibo showed that 47% of netizens' posts condemned Ma for her affair, saying it had shattered her family. Some have even published her home address online.


  • 因为工作人员刘女士老公电话姓名家庭住址信息可以很容易地信用卡激活然后设置密码消费

    Because the staff Mrs Lau husband's phone number, name, home address, and other information, can easily be activated credit card, and then set a password consumption.


  • 千万不要姓名家庭住址学校名称电话号码自己身份有关的信息公开信件提供给闲聊公告栏等。

    Never give out our identifying information such as name, home address, school name, or telephone number in a public message such as at a chat room or on bulletin boards.


  • 放学后我们可以校车这事兴奋了,因为我可以和同学们一路聊天,我也知道很多同学的家庭住址了。

    After school we can go home by school bus, it's very excited, we can talk with each other. I know many classmates 'address.


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