• 微型榕树一种小型的、简单盆景通常DIY家庭家具商店中可以找到

    Ficus microcarpa is a small, easy bonsai often found in DIY or house furniture stores.


  • 们需要能够在我们的仓库工作的人,他们可以分拣和包装被送到各个家庭的物品,修理捐赠的家具等等。

    We need people who can work at our warehouse sorting and packing items to be delivered to families, repair donated furniture and more.


  • 之后大概1670 ~ 1730半个世纪中,几乎所有现在西方家庭中的普遍使用家具种类发明了出来

    Then, in the half-century from roughly 1670 to 1730, virtually every kind of furniture now common in Western homes was invented.


  • 美团,拉手,团购这样的网站正在大量家庭用户汽车家具用品的所有东西。

    Sites like Lashou, Meituan, and Teambuy are selling everything from cars to home furnishings, to the homes themselves in bulk.


  • 利息奇高的先租买商店购物家庭可以暂时减少购物量,全额买下家具电器

    Families who shop at rent-to-own stores, which charge ridiculous interest rates, can temporarily pare back and then buy furniture or electronics outright.


  • 奥斯汀试验基地工作时间是每周上午9点至晚上9共有8个研究客房装饰客厅家庭办公室的样子-木地板,柔和灯光舒适家具

    The facility, which operates seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., has eight research rooms decorated as living rooms or home offices, with hardwood floors, soft lighting and comfortable furniture.


  • 室内过敏源(例如床上用品地毯毛绒家具污染宠物皮屑中的家庭尘螨)。

    Indoor allergens (for example, house dust mites in bedding, carpets and stuffed furniture, pollution and pet dander).


  • 孩子(们)举出一些家庭开支方面“需要”的例子比如水电费医疗费,再举出一些家庭开支方面“想要”的例子,比如家具或者DVD

    Give your child(ren) examples of household expenses that are “needs, ” like utilities and medical expenses, and those that are “wants, ” like new furniture or DVDs.


  • 那个社团一定会高兴地接收你们用不着衣服家具以便分配给需要的家庭

    The Society would be glad of any clothing or furniture that you have no use for, so that they can distribute it to families in need.


  • 此外婴儿也可以这个箱子里安全地睡觉,不用挤在父母上,因为有些家庭可能只有基本家具

    They also provided a safe place outside of parents' beds for infants to sleep, in homes that might have only rudimentary furniture.


  • 他们将要入住第一家庭编制了一些简介,里面所有房间彩色照片建筑图纸包括可用家具艺术品

    They compiled briefing books for the incoming first family with color photographs and architectural drawings of all the rooms in the residence, including what furniture and artwork are available.


  • 家庭”位于会议室外部,采用了住宅风格的家具比如舒服沙发椅子

    "Family rooms" were placed just outside the conference rooms and feature residential-style furniture, such as comfy sofas and chairs.


  • 宁愿一小真善美组织美满家庭,不愿用大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭

    I prefer to use a small cup of beauty to form a happy family, to organize a furniture ship with a few flat and uninteresting family.


  • 我们丰富经验一领域专门从事生产小组委员会断面家具现代办公现代家庭

    We have rich experience in this field and specialize in the production of panel board sectional furniture for modern office and modern family.


  • 宁愿一小真善美组织美满家庭大船家具组织一个索然无味家庭

    I prefer to use a small cup of truth, to organize a happy family, don't want to use a few ship furniture a dull family organization.


  • 宁愿一小真善美组织美满家庭大船家具组织一个索然无味的家庭

    I prefer to use a small cup of truth, to organize a happy family, also don't want to use a few large furniture a dull family organization.


  • 宜家世界上最大家具家庭装饰用品零售商之一,34国家超过240家门店

    With over 240 stores in 34 countries. IKEA is one of the biggest furniture and home furnishing retailer in the word.


  • TT建筑设计室将日本冈山家具改造成了木工家人雪松钢覆盖的家庭住宅。

    TT Architects has converted an old furniture factory in the Japanese city of Okayama into a cedar-and steel-clad home for a carpenter and his family.


  • 清洁家具下厨做饭清洗衣服无论是什么,一件家庭杂活可能平衡工作家庭时候感到压力倍增

    Cleaning, cooking, or washing, whatever it is - every household chore may become extremely stressful when you start trying to balance work and home at the same time.


  • 如何家庭住宅空间营造宜人的学习氛围产品角度出发家具设置一种有效手段

    From the product Angle, the furniture establishment is an effective method on building pleasant study atmosphere in family housing space.


  • 我们的服务宗旨不仅是将这美伦无比的家具带给家庭宾馆酒店各种场合,而且人们可以就近欣赏触摸大自然

    We not only provide your home, hotels, restaurants and public centers with nice and practical natural rattan furniture but also let you enjoy them and feel the nature.


  • 两个家庭房子相似几乎都没有家具第三个孩子家里房子,几乎只有卧室大小

    The first two families' houses was similar, had almost no furniture, but the last family's residency was barely a shack, only as the size of my bedroom.


  • 也有一些家庭每年只买家具玩偶增加他们收藏

    Some families buy one or two pieces of furniture or doll each year to add to their collection.


  • 公司主要经营原木、板材、德国风格门窗边框家具地板以及家庭装饰板等。

    Our company mainly deals in the logs, sawn timbers, Germany style Scantling, furniture, flooring, and wood decoration material.


  • 公司主要经营原木、板材、德国风格门窗边框家具地板以及家庭装饰板等。

    Our company mainly deals in the logs, sawn timbers, Germany style Scantling, furniture, flooring, and wood decoration material.


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