• 密封盖塑料管玻璃管好,因为它们轻,而且如果处理不当容易破裂

    Plastic tubes with secure tops are better than glass because they are lighter, and do not break as easily if mishandled.


  • 顶部一有密封盖

    A liquid loading port with a sealing cover is arranged at the top of the bottle wall body.


  • 将如暂停使用密封盖盖住催化头,待其自然熄灭。

    To stop operation, take off the threaded cap of the catalytic burner and replace with a cap.


  • 如果瓶口密封盖破损或是丢失,请不要使用开封室温保存

    Do not use if seal over bottle cap is broken or missing. Store at room temperature after opening.


  • 针对密封盖未及时开启造成发射装置损坏问题进行实验分析

    Experimental analysis was conducted to study launching equipment damage caused by open delay of air proof cover.


  • 阀体上部设有油水界面设定,油水界面设定口装有密封盖

    The upper part of the floating bucket valve body is provided with an oil-water interface setting opening on which a sealing cover is arranged.


  • 面板插座ID/S表面安装插座IS插合状态或者密封盖

    IP65: Panel receptacle ID/Sand surface-mounting receptacle ISin mated condition or with protective cap.


  • 防水的容器他们包括那些扭紧的密封盖、齐按盖、盖的。

    Food containers that are not waterproof, they say, include those with screw caps, snap LIDS, pull tops and crimped caps.


  • 所述罐体锥体结构罐体壁上设置有带有密封盖维修口。

    The lower part of the tank is a side tapered structure, and the top wall of the tank is provided with a repair hole with a sealing cover.


  • 检查油箱底部是否关闭确定关闭打开油箱顶部加油密封盖

    Need to check the oil box's bottom which outlet whether closed or not, after closed surely then open the top of oil box and add the sealing cover for the top orifice.


  • 采用上述结构密封盖强度密封效果好、不影响发射效果、使用方便

    With the structure, the tube-shaped weapon sealing cover has the advantages of high strength, good sealing effect, prevention of influences on firing effect, and convenient use.


  • 清洁必须用风吹,再将需要地方用纸严密封盖包括排气管、发动机水箱弹簧车架号码等)。

    Dry after clean, and cover the places where no need to spray, including tailpipe, engine, water tank, spring and frame number.


  • 密封盖(5)密封包装壳体(3)(6)并且为了打开包装腔室(4),密封盖(5)沿着密封连接与包装壳体(3)分开

    The sealing cover (5) is sealed on a flange section (6) of the packaging shell (3) and can be detached from the packaging shell in order to open the packaging chamber (4) along the sealed connection.


  • 面粉分别放在罐子里,并用玻璃密封

    I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids.


  • 盖紧盖子这样液体蒸汽密封在里面

    Tighten the lid securely so that liquid and vapors will be contained.


  • 一个旋盖的或者kilner式的罐子,盖子上可以暴露金属因为金属起反应(密封性好的塑料盖子最好)。

    Get yourself a few screw-top or Kilner-type jars, making sure the tops don't have any exposed metal that will react with the vinegar (plastic tops are perfect - provided they seal properly).


  • 这些钢制成,以便具有足够强度密封表面装配弹性部件

    These covers are constructed of steel for strength and fitted with elastomer components on the sealing surfaces.


  • 捷豹也是第一厂家特色集成密封阀盖衬里噪音水平进一步改善这个小屋

    Jaguar was also the first manufacturer to feature a bonnet liner with integrated side seals which further improves noise levels in the cabin.


  • 导热油泵首要体、泵盖、轴承体、支架主轴密封轴承叶轮八个年夜零部件组成。

    Conducting oil pump prime the pump, pump cover, bearing, bracket, shaft, seals, bearings, impeller of eight large component parts.


  • 主要、泵叶轮密封环中间支架密封悬架部件等组成

    The pump comprises mainly of pump body, cover, impeller, shaft, seal ring, intermediate support, sealing and suspension assembly, etc.


  • 防尘封闭锁存通过连接器接口具有IP65防护等级从而提供了一个水密封口

    With the dust cover closed and latched, the through connector interface has an IP65 rating thereby providing a watertight seal.


  • 内啮合齿轮泵结构其他齿轮泵结构类似主要转子、转子、、泵托架密封装置轴承等组成

    Internal gear pump structure and other gear pump structure similar to, mainly by the outer rotor and rotor, pump shaft, pump body, the front cover, bracket, sealing device, bearing, etc.


  • 压力相同削弱密封这样使腔室填料几乎总是承受最大管道压力。

    The same force tends to reduce the seal on the pressure side with the result that bonnet cavity and the valve stem packing are nearly always subjected to maximum pipeline pressure.


  • 腐蚀的缸体结构包括顶部、密封装置上增加环氧涂层,并且铸铁材质。

    Corrosion resistant cylinder construction includes epoxy coating on the head, cap and gland, all of which are cast iron.


  • 解决问题关键在于密封高分子聚丙烯酰胺反应器底盖快速开启机构合理设计

    The key of the problems is to design the seals and the speeding mechanism of the bottom cover of the reactor reasonably.


  • 试验结果表明导致密封失效主要原因端盖刚度设计

    Tests indicate that main cause for sealing failure is that rigidity of the rear cover is too low.


  • 试验结果表明导致密封失效主要原因端盖刚度设计

    Tests indicate that main cause for sealing failure is that rigidity of the rear cover is too low.


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