"When you start moving towards an industrial revolution, it is economically efficient to have people living close together," says Macfarlane.
It is this kind of ability that makes the work of the team and the research more efficient.
You'll want to be sure you're doing high-priority work and that you're doing it effectively and productively .
The efficient implementation of enterprises' ownership needs to consider these two kinds of rights and carries out supervising and encouraging met...
It is also the core of corporate governance in the listed companies. As a result, a normative and efficient assessment of financial management efficiency has its great significance.
It's effective in your personal life too, keeping you attentive to your most important immediate needs, as well as those of the most important people in your life.
斯塔德迈尔与费尔顿搭档能像他在菲尼克斯与斯蒂夫·纳什(Steve Nash)搭档那样富有效率吗?
Will Stoudemire be as effective with Felton as he was with Steve Nash in Phoenix?
Maybe you're a very caring individual, efficient, or adept to solving problems.
For many people, the idea that a conscientious and emotionally stable personality would make an effective worker seems obvious.
That's because you're gung ho with a motivation to be more efficient, more effective and more productive in everything you do.
That's because you're gung ho with a motivation to be more efficient, more effective and more productive in everything you do.