A sensitive cursor provides a dynamic view of the underlying data, whereas an insensitive cursor generally isn't sensitive to any changes made to the database while the cursor is open.
Simultaneously, the robustness of the system is very strong because the system output is not sensitive to loading change.
An adaptive phase shifting interferometry, insensitive to the disturbance of constant term of phase perturbations induced by environmental vibration and air turbulence is discussed.
这种方法只需要确定永磁磁链。 且对参数估算的误差及变化不敏感。
The proposed method only requires the flux linkage of the permanent magnet and is insensitive to parameter estimation error and variation.
The results show that ST changes the hydraulic behavior of the soil significantly and the simulation based on dynamic parameters is remarkably differed from that of CT.
Increment sign correlation is robust to small change of the image intensity.
DTA is insensitive to threshold and adaptive to data sets of various distributions.
Concerning the issues of no real-time and not sensitive to load change, this paper proposed a new prediction algorithm based on chunk taking account of the task's characteristics in grid.
Furthermore, the controller is insensitive to variation in system parameters, and can outstandingly improve position accuracy of robotic system.
The Raman spectroscopy measurements indicate that silicate glass structure is insensitive to cooling rate.
The resonant wavelength and resonant peak amplitude of the gain equalizer can be tuned by means of adjusting the temperature and transverse load independently.
The error amplifier IP is suitable for low voltage operations and insensitive to process variations.
And, the width of the bistability region of VCSEL will become insensitive to the variety of the feedback index with great scan period.
Residents are not sensitive to the change of most food price. The absolute value of price elasticity of residents' consumption of grain, meat and vegetables are greater than their income elasticity.
Sliding mode control is insensitive to parameters, and has the advantages of good robustness to external disturbance and fast dynamic response etc. So, it has been applied in motor control.
Relative to the incoherent optical feedback, the incoherent optical feedback is less sensitive to frequency detuning, so it can deduce requirements of system to working conditions.
Based on the total-reflection phase transformation theory, the Fresnel rhomb retarder is obtained with a structure Angle with which the phase retardation is insensitive to the Angle of incidence.
The comparison of the seedling morphology and length of coleoptile and the first leaf after GA_3-treatment indicates that the dwarfing trait of dwarfing Polish wheat is GA_3-recessive.
The refined microstructure is insensitive to cooling rate, being independent of casting thickness.
The reflection of fast P-wave is most sensitive to the porosity variations, less sensitive to the saturation variations and least sensitive to the permeability and frequency variations.
The reflection of fast P-wave is most sensitive to the porosity variations, less sensitive to the saturation variations and least sensitive to the permeability and frequency variations.