• 自己充满信心周围也会你持同样的信心

    Through faith in our self, we enable the world around us to give back to us.


  • 只要获得自己充满信心能够抵制克服任何困难

    As soon as you gain full confidence in yourself you'll be enabled to fight and overcome any adversity.


  • 听到这些的时候惊讶,我原以为充分的理由自己充满信心

    I was surprised to hear that for I thought she had every reason to be confident.


  • 热爱历史,我的梦想就是长大后当考古学家。我自己充满信心

    Since I like history so much, I always pretend that I am an archaeologist, and I believe that I have enough confidence to be one someday.


  • 我们知道我们接下来的回合该什么尽管尊重我们还是自己充满信心

    We know what we have to do in the return leg, we believe in ourselves even if we respect our opponents.


  • 据说出生都具有喜欢冒险、积极乐观诚实正直自己充满信心等性格特点。

    People born in this year are believed to be adventurous, optimistic and honest and have pride in their inner self.


  • 自己充满信心老师同学们一个展示才华舞台我会变得更加绚丽多姿精彩无比

    I to oneself confident, invites teacher and schoolmates for me a demonstration talent stage, I will let it will become more colorful, splendid incomparable!


  • 从没遇到任何人认为已经足够好了。直到遇见对自己充满信心。——《爱情与灵药》。

    I have never known anyone who actually believed that I was enough, until I met you. And then you made me believe it, too.


  • 来到类似安菲尔德地方得到如此一个结果的确不错。这样可以使我们有更好的状态,球员们自己充满信心让我们明白,什么是我们该做的。

    Coming to a place like Anfield and getting such a good result does put you in really good stead and gives the players a lot of belief in ourselves and what we can do.


  • 他们自己的车技充满信心,以致漫不经心。

    They are blasé about their driving skills.


  • 摩尔自己创造糖果充满热情未来充满信心

    Moore is enthusiastic about the candy she created, and she's also positive about what the future might bring.


  • 我们一定不要再担心别人自己看法自己的观点梦想充满信心

    We have to stop worrying what other people think of us, and start to believe in our own opinions and dreams.


  • 特技时,我不会把任何紧张放在这件事本身上,因为我自己训练技巧充满信心

    While I'm doing a stunt, there are no nerves at that point. I'm completely relying on my training and skills.


  • 自己创造力充满信心,他害怕讨论有争议的话题,他能严肃轻松的视角来看待自己作品

    He is confident about his creations, isn't afraid of controversial issues and looks at his work in both a fun and serious way.


  • 做出决策可能会直接导致成功或者失败因此必须自己做出正确决策的能力充满信心才行。

    The choices you make can lead to success or downfall, so you must feel confident in your ability to make the right call.


  • 即使当前经济低迷,找工作需要更长时间,他们对自己找到一份新工作依旧充满信心

    They are quite confident about landing yet another job, even if it will take longer in this dismal economy.


  • 如果这些金融工具开拓一个新的市场具有实际操作性,并且只受到很小威胁,那么所有瑞士银行其能达到新的规定要求又能不伤害自己业务充满信心看起来也是合情合理的。

    If a bit daunted by the practicalities of creating a new market for these instruments, both Swiss firms seem reasonably confident of meeting the new rules without crippling their businesses.


  • 不过现在已经是老兵了,我自己战役中获胜充满信心

    But I'm a veteran now. I'm confident that I'll emerge victorious.


  • 访谈表示自己现有工作充满信心相比,前者认为自己健康状况不到良好优秀程度可能性高出大约2倍。

    They were about twice as likely to report physical health that was less than very good or excellent than workers who expressed feelings of job security at both interviews.


  • 必须自己他人任何地方有着善良意愿充满信心因为自由真理信心孩子

    I must have confidence in myself, in others, and all men of goodwill everywhere, for freedom is the child of truth and confidence.


  • 一直以来,任何事情都充满信心,我相信自己可以达到任何客户要求

    All along, I am confident in anything, I believe that they can reach any customer's requirement.


  • 事实上仅有危险可能就是在于有点过分自信所以放慢脚步,让心情轻松自己度过难关充满信心

    In fact, the only danger may be that you come on a little too assertive, so take things slow and easy, confident you can surmount any obstacle.


  • 相信自己自己能力充满信心对自己能力没有足够信心就不可能成功快乐

    Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.


  • 希望你们分享灵感,经历,帮助你们珍爱相信自己自己能力充满信心接受自己发现自己独特的天分

    I wish to share my inspiration with you, so that you will treasure and believe in yourself, have faith in your abilities, accept who you are and uncover your own unique gifts.


  • 就是目标自己边界技能充满信心不再担忧礼貌不慷慨

    This is the goal: to be so confident in your boundaries skills that you no longer worry about not being nice or generous.


  • 一个乐观自信女孩,我对自己未来充满信心并且坚信中国民航很好的表现

    I am an optimistic and confident girl. I have full confidence in a bright future, and I believe I can do well in CAAC.


  • 尤文图斯射手特雷泽盖上周末5:1大胜利沃诺上演帽子戏法,现在他对自己以及球队充满信心

    Juventus hitman David Trezeguet was full of confidence following his hat-trick in last weekend's 5-1 win over Livorno.


  • 尤文图斯射手特雷泽盖上周末5:1大胜利沃诺上演帽子戏法,现在他对自己以及球队充满信心

    Juventus hitman David Trezeguet was full of confidence following his hat-trick in last weekend's 5-1 win over Livorno.


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