• 政客理所当然讽刺对象

    Politicians are legitimate targets for satire.


  • 小报讥笑讽刺对象

    She is an object of ridicule in the tabloid newspapers.


  • 这个广告对象主要十几青少年观众

    The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.


  • 大约有一半实验对象认为自己心灵感应能力

    About half the subjects considered themselves to be telepathic.


  • 这家公司狗做药物试验成为动物保护团体批评对象

    The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.


  • 过去几年里,梅雷迪恩先生采取的一些立场使成为了被批评对象

    Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism.


  • 一灵活框架允许任何对象转换另一种类型

    This flexible framework allows any object to be translated into another type.


  • 值得注意的是,乌鸦倾向初次对象接触使用棍子。

    Significantly, the crows tended to use the sticks only to make their first contact with the object.


  • 他们顾问知己倾诉对象

    He was their adviser, confidant and confessor.


  • 这个节目对象较年轻观众

    The programme is angled towards younger viewers.


  • 雄性动物热情守护它们的交配对象

    The males guard their mates zealously.


  • 摄影师满街捕捉拍摄对象

    The photographers pursued their quarry through the streets.


  • 多数小孩认为年轻教师作弄对象

    The younger teachers were considered fair game by most of the kids.


  • 罗杰奥托扬医生拿自己作为实验对象

    Dr. Roger Altounyan used himself as a human guinea pig.


  • 奥利恩个一动不动地盯着谈话对象习惯

    Orion had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.


  • 黑手党意大利电视绝不会放过的关注对象

    The Mafia is by no means ignored by Italian television.


  • 矮小身材政治观点使成了受奚落对象

    He was lampooned for his short stature and political views.


  • 他们的眼中看到仇恨你就是仇恨对象

    You saw hate in their eyes and you were on the receiving end of that hate.


  • 五十所学校学生作为这些教学法的试验对象

    Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods.


  • 最近民意调查显示,有75%调查对象支持这项计划

    A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.


  • 提供资金之前他们确定风险还是大的信贷对象

    Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk.


  • 埃西撒谎说约会对象参加演出女孩儿其中一个

    He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show.


  • 警官埋伏起来等待捉拿那些夜间悄悄追踪作案对象黑帮成员。

    Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.


  • 我们针对我们听众对象年龄2030岁之间的妇女

    We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.


  • 必须这些结果有所保留因为调查对象倾向给出他们认为应该给的答案

    You have to take these findings with a grain of salt because respondents tend to give the answers they feel they should.


  • 卫是我第一个网络约会对象

    David was my first online date.


  • 我惊讶的是,我们的服务对象非常感谢我把他们带来了。

    To my surprise, the people we served were quite thankful that I had brought them.


  • 这种幽默中,别人取笑对象

    In this style of humor, you are the butt of the joke for the amusement of others.


  • 所有学生都以优秀的学生为效仿对象

    All students modeled themselves on the top students.


  • 上次见到知更鸟,就知道在找对象

    I knowed the robin was mate-huntin' when I seed him last.


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