Beauty is a perceptual show, which is the object realization of man's essential power. Beauty is same of the sense of beauty.
We do not develop software to make it object oriented, or to comply with any other paradigm.
This framework provided object query manner based on SQL and object-oriented condition.
Civilized mode is man's existing way and the outward appearance of the objectifying of man's essential force.
Similarly, dress esthetics generates in the objective-oriented process of directing esthetics principles to dress.
The product of Labour is Labour embodied and made material in an object, it is the objectification of Labour.
The moral education, established on the opposite foundation of subject-object, is essentially an intellectual and objective education.
The excessive expansion of mankind's egotism and the excessive practice of mankind's essential power lead to the contemporary tragedy.
According to their analysis on the essence of human beings, Marx and Engels pointed out that as a kind of practical activity, technology is the objectification of human beings' essential power.
At least one simple XML document is checked for correct "objectification."
Through using object model technology method, object mapping from thing to object was achieved in purchasing management information system by analyzing and modeling.
Striking the facts of moral education means returning back to the non - objectivism, conditional world of education and life where morality arises.
Storeroom management information system is analyzed, modelled and object mapping of database is realized by using object oriented technology.
Striking the facts of moral education means returning back to the non-objectivism, conditional world of education and life where morality arises.
Objectification is a core category of the discussion about the essence of beauty at present, which obviously cannot be understood narrowly.
The room of happen-evolution of human in non-targetization through technique.
Anthropologists are generally trained to focus on practices, meaning, embodiment, inequality, social contexts and relationships.
否则,这个值将被 大对象化(lobify),并在该表的LONG表空间中存储为LOB。
Otherwise, the value will be lobified and stored as LOB in the LONG table space of the table.
Following modern society controlling the world technically, the Enlightenment gave rise to two basic desires that are relational and contradictory.
Literary meaning generates from self-confirmation of interpretive subject, which make literary text get the permanent character in course of meaning-construction of continuous objectification.
As an externalization and specification of man's moral identity in social practice, the value of morals comprises both external utilitarian value and internal mental value.
In Tang Dynasty, the aesthetic creation of image was theoretically affirmed, and image has become a general term referring to the object by the subject in artistic creation.
The object of this right is the naming, rather than the thing, so it differs from real rights and so on, for the latter's exploitation according to the nature and USES of the thing.
As a kind of objectifying activity, sports embody people's understanding, reconstruction and consideration of himself, nature and humanized nature, namely the society.
On the basis of Feature Modeling and 3d Solid Geometry Modeling, with the idea of Object-Oriented Product Design, a 3d Parametric Feature Modeling Method is applied to develop manifold.
By the description and analysis of a reciprocation experiment, it is presented that the reciprocation is red transcendence way of college P. e.
在创建时——无论是动态创建还是由程序员创建——具体节点类的形式为_ XO_tagname(其中是在对象化的XML文档中出现的标记)。
Upon creation — whether created dynamically or by a programmer — concrete node classes have the form _xo_tagname (where is a tag that occurs in the objectified XML document).
It is a tradition in history of philosophy that is discussing selfhood. Physicality and mentality are associated by selfhood, which is embodied in labor and intercourse.
对于通过对象化来编程式地访问和操纵关系数据,最流行的方式是通过一些API 和包装器,这些 API 和包装器提供了一个或多个编写为文本字符串的SQL语句。
The most popular way to objectize to programmatically access and manipulate relational data has been through special APIs and wrappers that provide one or more SQL statements written as text strings.
对于通过对象化来编程式地访问和操纵关系数据,最流行的方式是通过一些API 和包装器,这些 API 和包装器提供了一个或多个编写为文本字符串的SQL语句。
The most popular way to objectize to programmatically access and manipulate relational data has been through special APIs and wrappers that provide one or more SQL statements written as text strings.