• 另外关系数据库管理系统RDBMS一样对象RDF一些方面相似其他方面不同

    Again, just like relational database management systems (RDBMS), objects and RDF are similar in some ways and different in others.


  • 结果对象一个复杂对象通常位于数据库管理系统存储器并且只能通过之交互函数辨认

    A result set object is a complicated beast, as it usually resides within the memory of the database management system and can only be deciphered by functions that interact with it.


  • 使用表字符对象(CLOB)二进制大对象BLOB关系数据库管理系统DBMS)中按原样存储XML数据

    Using character or binary large object (CLOB or BLOB) columns of tables to store the XML data intact in a relational database management system (DBMS).


  • DB 2系统数据库对象管理提供了采用集成CommandEditor交互式查询界面

    DB2 system and database object management; provides an interactive query interface using the integrated Command Editor.


  • ApacheCouchDB一个基于开源文档的数据库管理系统,它将数据存储JSON对象

    Apache CouchDB is an open source document-oriented database management system that stores data as JSON objects.


  • 那种情况下因为管理预先启动时创建连接对象,所以,J2EE组件可以使用连接对象而不会导致数据库资源管理系统开销

    In that situation, a J2EE component can use connection objects without causing overheads on the database resource manager, since a pool manager creates the connection objects up front, at startup.


  • 许多因素都可以影响数据库服务器性能例如硬件系统设计数据库对象的设计、数据存储器管理应用程序的设计等等

    Many factors can affect the performance of a database server, such as hardware system design, database object design, data storage management, application design, and so forth.


  • 广义角度来说,数据库管理系统(DBMS)历史上划分成三种类型层次关系面向对象

    In broad themes, database management systems (DBMSs) have historically been of three types: hierarchical, relational, and object-oriented.


  • 可以一些数据库事件例如授权检查数据库对象维护安全性维护、系统管理用户验证等做日志记录。

    It is capable of logging database events such as authorization checking, database object maintenance, security maintenance, system administration, and user validation.


  • 一个数据源可以关系型数据库管理体统这样数据库,可以是面向对象型的数据库管理系统,可以是XML文档,也可以是简单文件等等.

    A data source could be a database such as an RDBMS, OODBMS, XML repository, flat file system, and so forth.


  • 诸如oracleMySQL数据库系统管理它们自己的用户帐户角色系统对象级别操作权限

    Database systems, such as Oracle and MySQL, manage their own user accounts, roles, and privileges for system and object-level operations.


  • ZODB一个健壮的多用户的和面向对象数据库系统它能够存储管理任意复杂Python对象,并支持事务操作和并发控制

    ZODB is a robust, multi-user, object-oriented database system capable of storing and managing arbitrarily complex Python objects with transaction support and concurrency control.


  • 查询语法Erlang一部分,数据模型类似对象-关系数据库管理系统

    The query syntax is part of Erlang itself, while the data model is akin to an object-relational DBMS.


  • KNN查询多媒体数据库管理系统具代表性查询方式之一k个与查询点最接近对象作为查询结果返回。

    KNN query is one of the most representative queries in multimedia database management system. It shows the result of k objects nearest to the query point.


  • 本文介绍采用面向对象技术文本窗口数据库管理技术,利用VB语言开发的视窗化的中小型异步电机型式试验计算系统

    The paper introduces the type test computation system for small and medium asynchronous motor by using object oriented technology, multi text window, database management technology and VB language.


  • 面向对象方法,实现了一个存储管理系统简单数据库框架教育目的开发

    Storemaster is an object orientated approach for a simple database framework for a storage administration system written for educational purposes.


  • 数据库管理系统(DBMS)会强制一些规则确保对象具有唯一的名称

    The database management system (DBMS) enforces certain rules to ensure that objects have unique names.


  • 实现中使用多种先进技术系统服务ADO数据库访问接口、智能化通信对象模型管理

    In the realization, some advanced technologies are used, such as system service, ADO, intelligent management of communication object etc.


  • 运用面向对象技术对库房管理信息系统进行分析、建模实现了数据库对象映射

    Storeroom management information system is analyzed, modelled and object mapping of database is realized by using object oriented technology.


  • 矿山项目管理系统进行领域分析基础上,抽象出数据对象模型数据库管理对象模型和通用报表对象模型。

    Based on the domain analysis of the mine project management system, the data tree table object model, database management object model, and general reports making object model are abstracted.


  • 工程数据库管理系统一个不同特性处理复杂对象

    One of the differentiating characteristics of engineering database system(EDBS)is the need to handle complex object.


  • ORACLE8数据库管理系统作为面向网络计算支持对象关系模型的产品得到了广泛应用

    As one of DBMS which are aimed at network computing and supports object-oriented relational model, ORACLE8 has gotten wide-ranging application.


  • 论述分布式面向对象数据库基本特性当今数据库管理系统支持分布式应用能力

    Discusses the properties of distributed Object-Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS) and capability for supporting distributed applications.


  • 系统管理数据库所有者身份登录创建对象编写代码使用LUA帐户登录容易。

    It is easier to create objects and write code while logged on as a system administrator or database owner than it is using a LUA account.


  • 介绍一个面向对象科研信息数据库管理系统设计实现

    The design and realization of an object-oriented scientific research information database management system based on a relational database is introduced in this paper.


  • 课题目标就是远程医疗系统设计病历的对象模型数据库结构,开发相应的病历管理系统

    This paper is a description of the work on the design and realization of a Medical Record Management System, which is a part of a telemedicine system based on Microsoft .


  • 由于工程应用环境中设计对象复杂性要求工程数据库管理系统能够复杂数据结构作为单一实体进行定义之提供有效数据操纵手段。

    Due to the complexity of design objects, it is necessary for the EDBMS to treat complex data structures as single entities and provide the efficient facilities for data manipulation.


  • 系统对象关系型数据库管理系统OSCAR客户端的重要组成部分分为部分实现:预处理模块ESQL运行

    The system plays a crucial role in the client part of OSCAR, an object relational database management system. It includes two components: preprocess module and ESQL runtime library.


  • 目前关系数据库管理系统存储永久性对象JDBCSQL语言访问永久性对象方法许多缺点

    At present, it has lots of shortcomings that relational database management system stores persistence object and is visited by JDBC and SQL language.


  • 目前关系数据库管理系统存储永久性对象JDBCSQL语言访问永久性对象方法许多缺点

    At present, it has lots of shortcomings that relational database management system stores persistence object and is visited by JDBC and SQL language.


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