You don't need to write object serialization code or use third-party tools to turn your objects into XML.
I remember on one occasion, we were talking about building a persistent object store. It was all about object serialization and access mechanisms.
A better choice is to put the configuration values into a single JSON object and store the serialized string of this JSON object.
If the application works correctly, the message written to the test environment system output file contains the serialized XML contents of the data object, including the checked out attachment.
Using the JSON approach illustrated here, there's no way to tailor objects' serialization on a per-request basis, so unneeded fields may often be sent across the network.
与低层API相比,XMLEventWriter 使用的基于事件对象的序列化器 API由更少的方法组成。
The event object-based serialization API embodied by XMLEventWriter consists of fewer methods than the low-level API.
Figure 2 shows an example of an XML document that represents the data object after serialization.
Assesses whether different, customized data serializations can be created from the same set of objects.
We have a string that contains our array object, serialized in JSON format.
Objects that you put on the session should be thread-safe and serializable.
With objects, there is no need to serialize, transport, and de-serialize the information contained within the object.
A non-argument constructor ensures the object can be constructed remotely from a serialized state.
Two conditions need to be satisfied in order for serialization to happen: the serializer must be given a supported type and the object to be serialized must be non-null.
The problem occurs when the SOAP toolkit in another platform receives the serialized objects.
But UIMA was using externalization for serializing rather than serializable interface which was making its objects bulky and lots of work was needed to serialize data.
The modified XML data can be easily serialized and passed between different object or in a multi-tiered environment (SOA) between different tiers.
The results are serialized (" freeze dried ") UI objects that are ready to be used in an application.
Once all the parts have been verified (using WSDL if necessary), the deserialized objects are passed on for business processing.
SOAP绑定将响应对象中的值解码成能够序列化到 SOAP 响应消息中的值需要经过同样复杂的过程。
The SOAP binding goes through the same complexity to decode the values in the response object into values it can serialize into a SOAP response message.
This introduction is intended to suggest some situations where YAML provides a better object serialization format than XML.
So if you serialize one singleton twice, the two serialized objects take on separate identities.
序列化完成后,数据图由三部分组成:模式、序列化的数据对象和更改摘要,如图9 所示。
Once serialized, the Data Graph is composed of three parts: the schema, the serialized Data Objects, and the Change Summary, as shown in Figure 9.
The serializable interface does not contain any methods: it exists only to tell the serialization runtime that your object is serializable.
You can also map serialized objects back to custom class instances provided the custom class is in the Flash Player when things are deserialized.
在单一地址空间中运行时,易变的可序列化对象的Pass - by - copy语义。
Pass-by-copy semantics for mutable serializable objects when running in a single address space.
The application shown in Listing 8 searches for and deserializes Alice's MessagingPreferences object.
Since the context object needs to be passed across components, the object should be serializable.
There are also situations when you would need to create a new instance of an SDO object (or a graph of SDO objects), and serialize that into XML.
Moreover, as it is composed of Data Objects, a Data Graph is serializable.