I have received an Accountant Qualification Certificate/a Computer Operation Qualification Certificate/a Tourist Guide Qualification Certificate/a doctor's license.
The guide in Paris said it was extremely difficult to pass the exam for Louvre guides, and who had time to master so much information on so many masterpieces?
My name is Liang Yu. I have graduated from Hunan 1st Normal College. My major is English, but I also have the tourist's certificate.
Short guided tour certificate card, apply for and obtain a certificate after the national tour, free tickets to enter the tourist attractions can also be in the travel agency.
This experience reminded me of the guide in Athens. When we went up to the Acropolis, he also turned out not to have a license for it, but he did pull a Greek guide over to give us an introduction.
The day we visited the Louvre, however, he said he couldn't legally accompany us because he lacked a guide's license for the museum.
The day we visited the Louvre, however, he said he couldn't legally accompany us because he lacked a guide's license for the museum.