• 这会很快名字空位潜在用户心目中的目标联在一起。

    This immediately connects your name in a prospective employers mind with the vacant job.


  • 只要兴趣足够多我会更新上述议程并且名字和话题记录在议程中。

    If other people express enough interest in your topics, I will update the list above, and mark you down as the speaker.


  • 擅长数学逻辑性问题解开道挑战题答案密码打开附件名字加在名人堂里面

    If you're good at math or logical problems, solve this challenge and the answer is the password to open the spreadsheet to which you can add your name to the hall of fame.


  • 那么如果校长名字列入一张名单中,后面大大的F”,贴在办公室外面所有人都看见

    So, how would you like it if the principal put your name on a list, put a big fat "f" next to it and then posted it outside his office for all to see.


  • 记住重要的事情不是做成笔买卖,而是名字传达那些可以提供新的解决方法那里(也就是说AIDA模型起作用),并要求反馈

    Remember, the important thing is not to make a sale, it's to get your name out there as being someone who can provide a new solution (i.e. get that A.I.D.A. formula working). Ask for feedback.


  • 名字着意味什么?显然指望的要多。也许一个名字可以搞定下一份工作提升公司高层。好吧,诸如此类。

    What's in a name? Apparently, more than you'd expect. Perhaps it'll help you land that next job or rise to the top of your company.


  • 塔克曼,在向老板提出要求,可以描述你的症状而不是直接你的病症名字讲出来,例如可以说,嘈杂环境中比较容易分心,有没有安静的地方可以让我工作?

    When you approach your boss, describe a symptom instead of naming your condition, Tuckman says. For example: "I have a tendency to get distracted if I'm in a noisy environment.


  • 除了名字可以你的博客或者网站推广GoogleYahoo !这样的搜索引擎

    In addition to your name, you can also promote your blog or website to search engines like Google and Yahoo!


  • 如果没有而且配偶贷款记录建立自己的,请告诉贷款人将你们的名字共同体现在帐户上。

    If not, and you want to use your spouse's credit history to build your own, write to the creditor and request the account be reported in both names.


  • 时间,”,“倘使到时发掘名字然后保留孩童。”

    "I will give you three days, time, " said he, "if by that time you find out my name, then shall you keep your child.


  • 债权人像所有认为有权偿还债务人索要债务,而且如果推迟还款们共同的名字报到信贷总署

    The creditor will try to collect the bill from whoever it thinks may be able to pay, and at the same time report the late payments to the credit bureaus under both names.


  • 债权人像所有认为有权偿还债务人索要债务,而且如果推迟还款们共同的名字报到信贷总署

    The creditor will try to collect the bill from whoever it thinks may be able to pay, and at the same time report the late payments to the credit bureaus under both names.


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