• 应该允许垂危病人尊严

    The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity.


  • 努力恢复自己一点儿尊严

    I struggled to regain some dignity.


  • 整个葬礼过程中都保持尊严

    She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.


  • 整个审讯过程中表现得文雅尊严

    He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.


  • 他们应当享有上帝赋予每一个受造物的尊严

    They should be treated with the dignity proper to all individuals created by God.


  • 是个真正人道主义者,信奉人类尊严

    He is a practical humanist, who believes in the dignity of mankind.


  • 表现地很有尊严

    He comports himself with dignity.


  • 病魔长久折磨下表现出了高度的尊严刚毅

    He suffered a long series of illnesses with tremendous dignity and fortitude.


  • 所有绿色和平组织人员表现出的宽容尊严令人印象深刻

    All the Greenpeace people behaved with impressive forbearance and dignity.


  • 这会伤害外行人尊严自尊

    It hurts laymen's dignity and self-esteem.


  • 一种解释可能是假使人丧失尊严

    One explanation might be the loss of dignity displayed through a cheesy grin.


  • 我们尊严尊重篮球同志情谊对待他们

    We treated them with dignity, respect and basketball camaraderie.


  • 这个奖项必须每一个正义尊严而奋斗分享

    This award must be shared with everyone who strives for justice and dignity.


  • 红色代表幸福幸运财富黄色象征帝王神圣尊严

    Red represents happiness, luck and fortune while yellow symbolizes imperial holiness and dignity.


  • 女性应该受到尊严对待她们应该世界听到她们声音

    Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voices heard in the world.


  • 不会因为勇敢地承认错误失去尊严,相反,获得尊重

    Instead of losing dignity, you would gain respects for bravely admitting your mistakes.


  • 图托斯的脸色十分苍白现在他身上一种以前从未过的尊严

    Tootles' face was very white, but there was a dignity about him now that had never been there before.


  • 所有这些职业名称带有某种庄重尊严这是描述性名称所缺乏的。

    All these vocational names carry with them a certain gravity and dignity, which descriptive names often lack.


  • 他们庄严尊严生物。他们非常重要,是创造了他们上帝关怀对象

    They are creatures of majesty and dignity. And they are of importance, objects of concern for the God who has created them.


  • 体育运动中,真正赢家那些知道如何坚持表现尊严的人——无论他们比赛中还是

    The real winners in sport are those who know how to persevere and to behave with dignity-whether they win or lose a game.


  • 大西洋月刊》长期以来一直试图提供一种设计环境,让文学新闻两种不同传统保有尊严愉悦共存

    The Atlantic Monthly has long attempted to provide a design environment in which two disparate traditionsliterary and journalisticcan co-exist in pleasurable dignity.


  • 米尔克曼这些业余工作工人们工厂忍受重复装配线工作所带来屈辱之后恢复尊严所做的努力

    Milkman says that these extracurricular jobs were an effort on the part of the workers to regain their dignity after suffering the degradation of repetitive assembly line work in the factory.


  • 我们每个做到相互之间给予应有尊严同情深刻认识贫困问题与我们每个人都息息相关

    Something each of us can do is to treat each other with the dignity and sympathy that is deserved and to understand deeply that the issue of poverty touches all of us.


  • 爸爸看着我们倾听我们,尊重我们想法肯定我们的价值我们尊严毫无疑问,他对我们最有影响力老师

    And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.


  • 不仅仅一种标志,更是我们可以追溯到祖先根源,是将我们与同族其他成员联系在一起纽带,是大多数希望而活尊严

    Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.


  • 一言不发以保持尊严

    She maintained a dignified silence.


  • 整个过程中,我试着说合适的话,给他每个人都有的尊严

    During the whole time, I tried to say the right thing and give him the dignity everyone has.


  • 了帮助徐瑞阳活得有尊严,她的父母希望她认真生活和学习技能。

    To help Xu Ruiyang live with dignity, her parents expected her living and learning skills strictly.


  • 重要是,必须使我们欲望有尊严使我们相信我们正在参与创造伟大历史我们自己一种荣耀感。

    Above all, he must dignify our desires, convince us that we are taking part in the making of great history, give us a sense of glory about ourselves.


  • 重要是,必须使我们欲望有尊严使我们相信我们正在参与创造伟大历史我们自己一种荣耀感。

    Above all, he must dignify our desires, convince us that we are taking part in the making of great history, give us a sense of glory about ourselves.


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