• 太平洋一个小岛国,瓦努阿图竟然位居第一

    A tiny island in the Pacific, Vanuatu, comes in first.


  • 新加坡大选很少会在这个岛国海岸之外引来多少关注

    SINGAPORE's general elections rarely draw much attention from beyond the shores of this tiny island-state.


  • 散布太平洋版图岛国中,一些变成令人不安邻居

    Some of the tiny island states that speckle the map of the Pacific also make uncomfortable neighbours.


  • 对于小岛来说是迫切问题有关地理上消失的情况际法还是片空白

    This is a pressing issue for small island states, but in the case of physical disappearance there is a void in international law.


  • 其他小岛一样,图瓦卢成为全球变暖海平面上升导致消失第一个受害者

    Along with other small islands Tuvalu will be one of the first victims of rising seas as warmer temperatures melt glaciers and expand oceans.


  • 个仅仅生产蒸汽机小岛不可避免落后一个大量地在装配线上生产汽车的地大物博的大陆。

    A small island making steam engines by hand inevitably fell behind a bountiful continent that mass-produced motor cars on assembly lines.


  • 打击移民恢复霍华德此前那项并不光彩政策,即把寻求避难的人转移贫穷太平洋小岛

    He wants to clamp down hard on immigration and would reinstate Mr Howard's unedifying policy of diverting asylum-seekers to impoverished Pacific island microstates.


  • 气候变化小岛居民带来影响不亚于任何一个更大中的难民危机

    He said the effects of climate change for small island populations are similar to any refugee crisis in larger nations in conflict.


  • 但是极度痛苦时刻后来成了一辈子决心,推动着李先生这个小岛开辟生路

    But that moment of anguish turned into a lifetime of determination to forge a path for this island nation. At the end of the press conference, Mr Lee made a promise to Singaporeans.


  • 由于冰片融化海洋水位增加,位于南亚埃及人口密集的河流三角洲以及岛国,面临的危险最大

    As the oceans swell with water from melting ice sheets, it is the crowded river deltas in southern Asia and Egypt, along with small island nations, that are most at risk.


  • 除了增大发生洪灾可能性以外,海平面上升可能导致加勒比海印度洋以及太平洋一些低洼小岛永久的被淹没

    In addition to an increase in flooding, sea-level rise could also result in the permanent flooding of low-lying small island states in the Caribbean, the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.


  • 会见了德、英、日等领导人会见印度巴西等领导人,会见了77集团、非以及小岛代表

    I met with leaders of India and Brazil. I also held meetings with representatives of the Group of 77 and African Union and leaders of some small island countries.


  • 个人有着传奇的职业经历,李光耀岛国变成亚洲金融中心,马哈蒂尔博士使得马来人更加努力工作

    Both men had extraordinary careers, Mr Lee transforming his little island into a financial force in Asia, Dr Mahathir getting the Malays to work harder than they had ever done before.


  • 今年职业高尔夫巡回赛上,维杰·辛格,这个来自斐济小岛选手赢得了比赛的冠军职业高尔夫界内最高的奖励基金

    This year on the PGA tour, Vijay Singh, who hails from the tiny island nation of Fiji, won three tournaments and the largest prize fund in professional golf.


  • 毛里求斯只是印度洋中,马达加斯加东面一个岛国,但在撒哈拉以南非洲排名遥遥领先;排名第二吉布提只有60.5

    A tiny island nation in the Indian Ocean to the east of Madagascar, Mauritius is far and away the highest-ranking nation of Sub-Saharan Africa; Djibouti comes second with a score of 60.5.


  • {1}伦敦(法新社)消息:一项新的衡量人们生活及其环境影响研究指出,位于南太平洋小岛国瓦努阿图地球幸福

    LONDON (AFP) — The tiny South Pacific Ocean archipelago of Vanuatu is the happiest country on Earth, according to a study published measuring people’s wellbeing and their impact on the environment.


  • 小岛屿家联盟由42个主要位于太平洋加勒比海海岸组成。

    Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.


  • 斐济太平洋西南部一个大约320个小岛组成

    Fiji: an island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands.


  • 日本位于亚洲大陆东岸太平洋岛。日本包括北海道本州九州4个大岛其它6800多个屿

    Japan, is located on the eastern coast of the continent of Asia Pacific. Japan including Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, 4 major islands and more than 6800 other small islands.


  • 新加坡位于东南亚个城市,也是亚洲第三个最小总面积91.6%的新加坡及其附近若干小岛组成。

    Singapore, lying in south-east Asia, is a city-island-state and a third-smallest country in Asia. It consists of Singapore island (of 91.6% of total area) and several smaller offshore islets.


  • 太平洋西南部一个大约320个小岛组成

    An island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands.


  • 太平洋西南部一个大约320个小岛组成

    An island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands.


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