• 显而易见,有少数几个设法自己的意志强加

    It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others.


  • 圣洁不是少数几个预留奢侈品

    Holiness is not the luxury reserved for a few favourite persons.


  • 所有这些成果归功于少数几个不对的。

    You are wrong to refer all these results only to a few persons.


  • 那里少数几个但是真正打破博客模具

    A few individuals out there, though, are really breaking the mold of the blogosphere.


  • 只有少数几个已经挖掘它们之间地区大部分被忽视

    Only a few of them have been excavated, and the area between them has been mostly ignored.


  • 研究表示太阳少数几个尚未派遣探测器前往地方之一

    Researchers say that the Sun is one of the few places people have not yet sent a spacecraft.


  • 这里,安全依赖仅有少数几个知识勇气还有无私

    Out here, my safety depends on the knowledge, courage, and selflessness of just a few human beings.


  • 一个家庭都有少数几个担任记忆延续了几个世纪家史任务

    A few people in each group are given the task of remembering the group's family history that goes back over centuries.


  • 只有少数几个想到这么一个事实就是我们老板倾向接受挑战

    Only a few of us connected the fact that our boss was prone to accept challenges.


  • 两个活动网络商务大量的工作分摊一些少数几个就能完成的工作。

    They reduce the myriad of tasks involved in Internet marketing down to something a handful of people can manage.


  • 这些事件有可能孤立的,只限于少数几个,发生时间不幸都碰在了一起

    These may well be isolated incidents, confined to a few individuals, their timing an unfortunate coincidence .


  • 在前台永远少数几个来自于身后支持一直我们前进力量

    Standing on the few who though is always from behind, but the support, has been our forward power.


  • 之后特别宣誓过法官仔细检查可疑案例,并触犯法律少数几个人上报执法部门。

    Then, specially sworn court officials could carefully examine the suspicious cases, before reporting to law enforcement only those few that met statutory definitions of probable cause.


  • 如果召集100来猜硬币的结果,根据偶然性法则,会有少数几个人连续五次对。

    If I gather 100 people and ask them to call coin tosses, randomness tells me that a handful may call five correctly in a row.


  • 卡扎菲少数几个躲过死神看起来,他们穿过了树丛公路,两个下水道之间藏了起来

    Gaddafi himself and a handful of his men escaped death and appeared to have run through a stand of trees towards the main road and hid in the two drainage pipes.


  • 因此只有少数几个通过修炼自己心智,探索出坚固道路,并成功逃离成熟状态。

    Therefore there are only a few who have pursued a firm path and have succeeded in escaping from immaturity by their succeeded in escaping from immaturity by their own cultivation of the mind.


  • 因此只有少数几个通过修炼自己心智探索出一条坚固的道路成功逃离成熟状态。

    Therefore there are only a few who have pursued a firm path and have succeeded in escaping from immaturity by their own cultivation of the mind.


  • 那段时间里一些其他摄影师少数几个一直等到日落,因为不想摸黑从岩石小路回去

    During that time several other photographers came and left. A few waited till just before sunset, not wanting to walk the rocky trail back in the dark.


  • 十二宫》剧组试图重新思考简化流程开始数字化影片导入电脑,往后需要少数几个参与就行了。

    The 'Zodiac' crew, by contrast, sought to rethink and streamline the process. Right on the set, the digitized film went into a computer; after that, just a handful of people were involved.


  • 问他要是工作出现紧急情况怎么办少数几个知道酒店名字房间如果需要可以给他打电话

    When I asked what happens if there is a work-related emergency, he said a limited number of people have the hotel name and room number where he is staying, and can call if need be.


  • 拜访过一些交易者然而其他交易者都是纽约,有少数几个人是在我到欧洲旅行在西西里岛阿姆斯特丹见面的。

    I visited some of these traders, while others flew to New York to meet with me, and a few came to see me in Sicily and Amsterdam when I traveled in Europe.


  • 产品原型早期产品生产不断完善的,这个过程并不主要团队或者外界展示而仅仅乔布斯和其他少数几个人团队中。

    Prototypes and early working products are produced and constantly refined. They are shown not to focus groups or other outsiders, but to Mr. Jobs and a few members of his team.


  • 起初只是少数几个尊重而实行这个美德通过教诲示范的作用,很快也就传播年轻一代,终于成为公众信念的一个组成部分。

    As soon as this virtue is honoured and practised by some few men, it spreads through instruction and example to the young, and eventually becomes incorporated in public opinion.


  • Hewitt意识少数几个需要灯照所以其它用途方面开发产品

    Hewitt realized that few people would want his lamps in their homes, and so concentrated on developing a product for other uses.


  • 如果题目随后网上出现少数那么几个懂得将其摆上网(即可将作弊范围限定几个考生中——译者)。

    If that question later appears online, only a handful of people would know to put it there.


  • 如果题目随后网上出现少数那么几个懂得将其摆上网(即可将作弊范围限定几个考生中——译者)。

    If that question later appears online, only a handful of people would know to put it there.


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