The smell of death made everyone cover their faces until someone finally brought out a jug of formaldehyde and started splashing it all over the body bag.
Eventually, we encountered a couple of local men who said they had seen some rebels removing the two corpses in body bags the day before, and we gave up searching.
Certainly, U.S. casualties in Iraq will not cease, though the toll of body bags will probably continue its three-year decline.
Later, we were taken to a morgue, about 30 white body bags lay inside. Those that were opened for us contained mostly the bodies of men of fighting age.
Dozens were placed in body bags or covered by blankets, laid in rows so people could search for their missing relatives.
The boy's body had been found stuffed in a duffel bag near Interstate 95 in Philadelphia in 1994.
2003年6月29号,利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚,工作人员正在将一具尸体拖进尸袋内。 这名死者年仅十八岁,不幸中流弹身亡。
The body of an 18-year-old girl who was struck and killed by a stray bullet, is zipped into a body bag July 29, 2003 in Monrovia, Liberia.
The place is full of ashen walls, dirty water, bags of garbage, one by one the bodies of dead animals.
The sound of grief so terrible. An old man brought his son's body wrapped in a white plastic bag to pyre. He says I have lost everything.
Many bodies lay by roadsides in body bags or wrapped in plastic sheeting, as authorities struggled to deal with the sheer number of corpses by digging burial pits and working crematoriums overtime.
A hardware store employee's first night on the job is disrupted by the discovery of a dead body and a duffel bag full of cash.
A hardware store employee's first night on the job is disrupted by the discovery of a dead body and a duffel bag full of cash.