• 管理系承担科技管理干部岗位培训任务。

    The management Department takes on positon training of scientific management cadres.


  • 目的探讨岗位培训社区护理建设中的重要意义实施策略

    Objectives: To explore the significance and implementing strategy of post training during the development of community health nursing.


  • 教练员培养机制不完善缺乏岗位培训外出学习交流机会

    The coach raises the mechanism not to be imperfect, lacks on-the-job training and goes out to study the exchange the opportunity;


  • 目的评价上海市全科医师岗位培训远程教育开展状况及其效果

    Objective To evaluate the developing condition and effect of distance education in in-service training of general practitioners in Shanghai city.


  • 对于国家队教练员而言,组织学习岗位培训具有丰富内涵

    For the coaches of national team, organizational learning has more abundant connotation than on-job training.


  • 岗位培训学习者正确理解全部门店 营和管理 ?。

    (40 days) ? On the Job Training, the learner will be able to understand correctly overall Store Operational management.


  • 为了招聘帮助并且提供正规辅导岗位培训销售代表和发起者。

    To assist in the recruitment and provide regular coaching and on the job training for the Sales Representatives and Promoter.


  • 各行业都建立从业人员在岗转岗培训制度,积极开展岗位培训

    Practitioners in the industry to establish training posts and offering job-change system, active-job training.


  • 公司工作不会同样机会提高或者岗位培训,而大型公司就会

    Working for a small company would not give me the same opportunities for advancement or on-the-job training as working for a larger company would.


  • 之前老板已经通过杰克工作教练聘用了员工员工愿意为杰克做岗位培训

    The employer had previously hired staff through this employment specialist, and he was willing to train Jake for the position.


  • 公司应当采用多种形式加强公司职工职业教育岗位培训提高职工素质

    Every company shall, in various forms, intensify the professional education and in-service training of its employees so as to improve their personal quality.


  • 公司针对每个员工不同工作性质内容等要求接受相关EHS岗位培训

    The Company will require the employees to take part in relevant EHS post training in accordance with different characteristics and contents of their job.


  • 企业主要岗位技术培训为主每年接受岗位培训职工企业总数94%以上

    The main business in order to position the main technical training, job training for workers each year accounted for 94% of the total number of enterprises above.


  • 任何企业主都可以选择压缩利润提高工资创造更好工作环境促进岗位培训

    Any business owner can choose to reduce profits in order to pay higher wages, create better working conditions, and enhance job training.


  • 公司先后派出技术人员、管理人员欧洲澳大利亚马来西亚等国进行岗位培训

    Our technicians and management team are sent to Europe, Australia and Malaysia for training and development.


  • 如果公司没有岗位培训应当咨询上司员工主动了解实习生权限责任

    If yours doesn't, you should take the initiative to learn the limits and responsibilities of an intern by consulting your supervisor or talking to senior colleagues.


  • 岗位培训开展继续教育造就一支高素质图书馆工作队伍最为常见有效的形式途径

    The training at post is the most common and effective channel to carry out continuing education, to train a group of library workers with high quality.


  • 期间参加监理岗位培训造价工程师厂长经理安全生产资格培训获得相应资格。

    While this period, I took part in the cultivating of supervision, cost member, engineer, the certification of manager's safe production and so on. And I got the relevant qualification.


  • 分别本科教育、毕业教育、继续教育、岗位培训等层面介绍了我国医院药师培训教育进展情况

    It also discussed about the progress of hospital pharmacist training from aspects of undergraduate training, after -graduation training, continuing training and in - post training.


  • 主要职责1负责当地办事处职员岗位分工、业绩评估岗位培训并对其进行监督管理;

    Job Responsibilities: 1) Manage and supervise the staffs of the local office on job distribution, evaluation, training and so on;


  • 帮助范围涵盖了系统的工作岗位培训方向指导岗位变更,其他使残疾人能够维持这份工作的所有帮助

    Types of help might entail thorough job training on the job, direction, transportation, or other support enabling that individual to retain his or her employment.


  • 据此,参与式媒介素养不是知识工人岗位培训,而强加课程,而是成为我们21世纪生活的方式。

    For this reason, participatory media literacy is not another subject to be shoehorned into the curriculum as job training for knowledge workers.


  • 通过制定全科医师岗位培训教学计划探讨分析培训教学计划所引发一些问题提出解决问题思路办法

    This article raises some thinking and ways to solve the problem resulted from working out, probing into and analyzing the teaching plan for post training for all the doctors in the section.


  • 专家到社区临床指导受社区医生欢迎。社区卫生服务机构人员短缺和无法脱岗学习影响社区医生参加岗位培训原因

    The most favorable way of training is in-site guidance given by doctors from higher level hospital. Staff shortage in community health service centers is the main obstacle for off-service training.


  • 共同愿景没有能够进入预测培训评价回归方程可见,组织学习、学习型组织岗位培训共同愿景上有着很明显的区别。

    Shared vision failed to enter the regression equation to forecast training appraisal. It is obvious that among OL, LO and on-job training there are distinct differences in common vision.


  • 我国全科医学教育起步发展缓慢,应当下大功夫,加大投入,在开展多形式全科医学教育同时,应重点做好在职岗位培训工作。

    The general practice education started later and was very imperfect in our country. We should mainly do well the training of personnel on the job while we develop the general practice...


  • 我国全科医学教育起步发展缓慢,应当下大功夫,加大投入,在开展多形式全科医学教育同时,应重点做好在职岗位培训工作。

    The general practice education started later and was very imperfect in our country. We should mainly do well the training of personnel on the job while we develop the general practice...


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