• 我们几个临时空缺

    We have several vacancies for casual workers.


  • 我们缺少熟练

    We have a problem of skilled labour.


  • 学生有时旅游方面

    Students sometimes do casual work in the tourist trade.


  • 快餐厨师

    I was a short-order cook and a dishwasher.


  • 我们位女打扫卫生。

    We used to have a woman to do the cleaning.


  • 一直一家职业介绍所做临时

    I've been temping for an employment agency.


  • 夜间做清洁补充微薄的收入

    She supplements her meagre income by cleaning at night.


  • 我们这里做临时

    He works for us on an occasional basis.


  • 机场行李搬运每天处理成百上千件行李。

    Skycaps handle hundreds of bags each day.


  • 那个搬运要小费

    The porter expects a gratuity.


  • 我们当地报纸了广告,招一名清洁

    We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper.


  • 安排清洁回来之前每天清洁作。

    I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis , until our usual cleaner returns.


  • 机修们为了保障直升机适航性而努力着。

    The mechanics work hard to keep the helicopters airworthy.


  • 我们出租车德里车站一个搬运疾步跑车门

    Our taxi pulled up at Old Delhi station and a porter sprinted to the door.


  • 许多临时中介机构那些办公技能不熟练的人开设文字处理课程。

    Many temp agencies offer word processing courses to those with rusty office skills.


  • 西蒙·莱恩很快找到合适的,成为了一忙碌自由职业模型

    Simon Lane quickly found his niche as a busy freelance model maker.


  • 二十多岁时罗斯福曾经到达地区一个大牧场去找牧牛活儿。

    In his twenties Roosevelt had sought work as a cowboy on a ranch in the Dakota Territory.


  • 众多曾经满怀抱负女演员一样最终也只落得在餐厅端盘子、办公室打临时

    Like so many aspiring actresses, she ended up waiting tables and temping in office jobs.


  • 们帮助清洁清扫街道。

    They help the cleaners sweep the streets.


  • 们帮助清洁打扫公园。

    We helped the cleaners clean the park.


  • 们每天都由勤劳的清洁打扫。

    They are cleaned by the hard-working cleaners every day.


  • 撞到石头上时有什么感觉?

    How did the milkman feel when he crashed into the stone?


  • 跟她说他也想成为一名清洁

    He told her he wanted to be a cleaner, too.


  • 妈妈在一家服装厂当清洁

    My mother worked as a cleaner in a clothing factory.


  • 了保持我们城市的清洁和美丽,清洁总是在街道忙碌着。

    To keep our city clean and beautiful, the cleaners are always very busy in the street.


  • 需要把每根丝线分成10多根,甚至30根更小的线。

    Embroidery workers need to divide each silk thread into more than 10 or even 30 smaller threads.


  • 上的第一个人是开着车的送奶

    The first person down the street was a milkman with his car (小车) .


  • 总会邀请每个人参加学校的聚会,包括清洁和校车司机。

    He always invites everyone to school parties, including those who clean the floors and those who drive the school buses.


  • 学校当清洁使他开始思考,如何对组织里的每个人表示尊重。

    Being a cleaner at a school made him think about how to show respect for everyone in an organization.


  • 清洁可以看门人清洁

    A sweeper could have a look around for a job as a janitor or a cleaner.


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