• 名经纪人笑道没问题可以安排工作人员联系

    No problem, smiles the broker, I can put you in touch with people who work inside it.


  • 提示!私下工作人员联系造成损失伤害公司不负任何责任!谢谢

    Contact private and staff losses and damage caused by the Company is not responsible! Thank you!


  • 如果希望讨论一种替代性方法负责执行指南FDA工作人员联系

    If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance.


  • 2013年,科维工作人员联系感觉自己或许可以为那样环境贡献

    In 2013, when the Kavli people approached me, I felt I might have something to contribute to an environment like that.


  • 裁判凯文·赖特出色地处理情况警方电视台工作人员进行了联系

    Referee Kevin Wright handled the situation superbly and liaised with the police and the TV crew.


  • MrNguyen询问如何才能找到关于这家公司的资料时,经纪人着说这不成问题,可以Mr Nguyen联系到这家公司的内部工作人员

    How can we find out about this company, Mr Nguyen asks? No problem, smiles the broker, I can put you in touch with people who work inside it.


  • 不满饲养场工作人员因为几个月没有领到工资联系媒体后,沈阳饲养场严重财务困境对老虎的疏于照顾曝光

    The dire financial straits and gross neglect at the Shenyang site came to light only when disgruntled workers — who hadn't been paid for monthscontacted the media.


  • 布什:“我们现场工作人员保持不断的联系确保我们在挽救生命。”

    "We're in constant contact with people on the ground to help make sure that we save lives," he said.


  • 见到怀疑感染拉沙患者卫生保健工作人员立即地方国家专家联系征求意见安排进行实验室检验

    Health care workers seeing a patient suspected to have Lassa fever should immediately contact local and national experts for advice and to arrange for laboratory testing.


  • 工作人员都对大批仿制神经元细胞进行模拟让这些细胞之间互相联系,两个模型达到实时工作

    Both groups are simulating a large number of model neurons and connections between them. Both models run much, much slower than real time.


  • 一名不愿透露姓名墨西哥大使馆工作人员他们进行定期联系

    A Mexican embassy official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was in regular contact with its nationals.


  • 名11岁女孩父亲吉尼斯世界纪录工作人员取得了联系并请求他们考虑授予自己女儿“最毛孩”的称号

    The 11-year-old girl's father contacted Guinness World Record staff, requesting that they consider her for the title of hairiest child.


  • 海关工作人员将会审核的申请表,并联系相应商家安排退税

    Customs officials will collect it from there and if they are satisfied that all requirements have been met, they will contact the retailer to arrange your VAT refund.


  • 工作人员月球发送了激光脉冲波重新与建立了联系四十年来的第一

    A laser pulse was sent to Lunokhod 1, and contact was made with the rover for the first time in nearly four decades.


  • 如果需要更多预防措施,青联系1- 800 - 230 - Plan的生育计划(Planned Parenthood)处,与工作人员讨论具体操作。

    If you want more protection than this, contact Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-plan to discuss the options.


  • 他们飞机建立直接无线电联络而是航空公司签派员航路电台工作人员机场管制保持联系

    They had no direct radio link with aircraft but used telephones to stay in touch with airline dispatchers, airway radio operators, and airport traffic controllers.


  • 一方面,数千新奥尔良当地球迷飓风疏散到了美国南部其他城市,球队票务工作人员需要一个一个地联系他们。

    For another, there were thousands of local fans who had evacuated to other parts of the South and needed to be tracked down by the team's ticketing and sales staffs.


  • 然而作为侦探开始探测生命死亡妇女,外科医师联系背景,在庄园工作人员密切熟人,嫌疑人迅速

    Yet as the detectives begin probing the lives and backgrounds of those connected with the dead woman-the surgeon, members of the manor staff, close acquaintances-suspects multiply all too rapidly.


  • 当时因为需要当地银行账户通过邮件联系了一家我们公司业务关系的当地银行,银行工作人员回邮件问了几个问题

    I need to open a local bank account. I contacted by email a bank which had business with our company. The working staff there asked me a few questions.


  • TF 1台的工作人员允许回来联系然后我们可以喝上杯。

    The people at TF1 have allowed me to get back in touch with him, so we'll have a drink together.


  • 补充说,如果工作人员确定游客不到14岁联系他们父母孩子领走

    She added that if an employee determines that the child is under 14, their parents will be contacted to pick them up.


  • 时间有限所有申请人请会议前提前联系咨询服务工作人员

    Space is limited, so sponsors are encouraged to contact the Advisory Services staff well in advance of the meeting.


  • 补充到,他曾发疯似的尝试联系选举工作人员

    He added that he was making frantic efforts to contact election workers.


  • 老妇痛苦哭喊声引起了月台上工作人员注意无线电报务员最后列车上的工作人员取得联系

    Her cries of anguish drew the attention of the platform master, and radio operators were eventually able to contact staff on-board the service.


  • 如果确实出现报名人数超过预设人数,工作人员登记留下学员联系方式。

    If there is indeed more than the number of applicants, the staff will register and leave contact information.


  • 由于无人与犹太正教联盟经济利益联系,饮食教规工作人员可以没有利益冲突情况下保持高度诚实

    Because no one has any financial interesti in the ou , the staff of the kashruth department maintains the highest levels of integrity without any possible conflict of interests.


  • 由于无人与犹太正教联盟经济利益联系,饮食教规工作人员可以没有利益冲突情况下保持高度诚实

    Because no one has any financial interesti in the ou , the staff of the kashruth department maintains the highest levels of integrity without any possible conflict of interests.


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