The WBS represents the work specified in the current approved project scope statement.
In M1 we have develop a Work Breakdown Structure and Product Breakdown Structure for a project.
These may be within the context of a particular project, proposal or work breakdown structure element.
RMC also supports different presentations for processes, such as work breakdown structure or workflow presentations.
It describes in detail the usage and establishment methodology for sunmma- ry WBS, contract WBS and engineering project WBS.
Cost estimates, scheduled start dates, and responsibility assignments to the level of the WBS at which control will be exercised.
See also work package, control account, contract work breakdown structure, and project summary work breakdown structure.
For example, a formal work breakdown structure, schedule network, earned value analysis, change control process and so on.
The creation of demand comes from the requirements, statement of work, and by estimating the effort by the work breakdown structure (WBS).
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is the best way to understand the detailed work of a project when you have to build a schedule from scratch.
Tom Mochal offers some practical advice to save you time and rework on your next work breakdown structure.
You are a project manager for a new product development project that has four levels in the work breakdown structure, and has been sequenced using the arrow diagramming technique.
经过批准的详细项目范围说明书,相应的工作分解结构,以及工作分解结构词汇表是项目的范围基准。 !
The approved detailed project scope statement and its associated WBS and WBS dictionary are the scope baseline for the project.
An RMC Delivery Process provides a complete lifecycle model that has been detailed by sequencing Method Content in work breakdown structures (WBS).
Figure 17 shows a typical Timesheet view that displays work assignments by project, the work breakdown structure and corresponding data for each task assignment.
The WBS subdivides the project work into smaller, more manageable pieces of work, with each descending level of the WBS representing an increasingly detailed definition of the project work.
The planned work contained within the lowest-level WBS components, which are called work packages, can be scheduled, cost estimated, monitored, and controlled.
Introducing the concept of WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) into the project quotation software will greatly improve the accuracy of project cost estimation and the efficiency of cost control.
A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.
对于能力模式和交付过程的创建中的第三步,会生成一个工作分解结构(work breakdown structure,WBS)。
For the third step in the creation of the capability patterns and delivery processes, a work breakdown structure (WBS) is created.
A work breakdown structure (WBS) is defined. This is a list of tasks that, if performed, will generate all of the work products needed to build the software.
软件设计人员可以创造并把他们的过程作为一个过程网站发布,或者作为一个工作分解结构输出到IBMRationalPortfolioManager 。
Software designers can author and publish their process as a process Web site or export it to IBM Rational Portfolio Manager as a work breakdown structure.
这个图表对我们的主要目的是对时间进对和里程碑达成一致,并且建立工作分解结构(work breakdown structure,WBS)的层次图,工作分解结构中的每一项我们都可以跟踪、估计和执行。
The main purpose of the chart was for us to agree on schedule and milestones and to set up a hierarchy of work breakdown structure (WBS) items that we could track, estimate, and execute against.
Right now, the biggest productivity wins we're seeing involve breaking down the traditional "stovepipe" structure of working groups within a business.
Figure 5 shows that processes are typically expressed as workflows or breakdown structures.
A good governance structure decomposes both the types of work and the authority to plan and oversee work.
You create one useful routine, then another, then another, and pretty soon all you're doing is building and refactoring and refining the test infrastructure.
Figure 5: Processes are expressed as workflows or breakdown structures in RMC.
Figure 5: Processes are expressed as workflows or breakdown structures in RMC.